Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Huddersfield. View directions
Contact: Andrea Woodside Email:
No. | Item |
Announcement by the Mayor and Chief Executive To receive any announcements. Decision: No announcements were made. |
Apologies for absence Group Business Managers to submit any apologies for absence. Decision: Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors D Firth, Grainger-Mead, Lyons, N Turner and Sarwar. |
Declaration of Interests The Councillors will be asked to say if there are any items of the Agenda in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, which would prevent them from participating in any discussion of them items or participating in any votes upon the items, or any other interests. Decision: The following declarations were made in respect of Agenda Item 4; Councillor E Firth declared an ‘other’ interest on the grounds that he is a Director of Kirklees Community Association, and is Chair of Dewsbury Endowed Schools Foundation Trust Working Party. Councillor Bellamy declared an ‘other’ interest on the grounds that she is a Trustee of Holme Valley Land Charity. Councillor Greaves declared an ‘other’ interest on the grounds that he is a Member of Holme Valley Parish Council and Trustee of Holme Valley Land Charity. Councillor Scott declared an ‘other’ interest on the grounds that she lives near to a site identified within the plan. Councillor Smaje declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest on the grounds that she is a Board member of Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing. Councillors Dodds declared an ‘other’ interest on the grounds that he is a Trustee of Kirklees Active Leisure. Councillors Sokhal declared an ‘other’ interest on the grounds that he is a Trustee of Kirklees Active Leisure. |
Kirklees Local Plan To consider the submission of the report to the Secretary of State.
Contact: Richard Hollinson, Local Development – Policy Group Leader.
Please note that any Members of the public who wish to address Council must have registered by 4.00pm on Friday 7 October 2016. To pre-register, please email or phone 01484 221000 (ext 74993) Additional documents: Decision: 1. That approval be given to the publication of the Local Plan, subject to the amendments as set out at Appendix A, and that formal representations relating to the legal and soundness tests be invited; and thereafter the Local Plan be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination in public, in accordance with the Local Development Scheme. 2. That authority be delegated to the Director of Place to submit the Local Plan to the Secretary of State once the period for representations has expired. 3. That (1) and (2) above be subject to (i) the completion of a Habitat Regulation Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal, and (ii) authorisation of the Director of Place, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader, to make minor amendments as necessary, prior to the formal publication for representation and/or prior to submission of the Local Plan to the Secretary of State. |
Consultation on the Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule To consider and approve the report.
Contact: Richard Hollinson, Local Development – Policy Group Leader Decision: 1. That approval be given to the Draft Charging Schedule being published for consultation, and that formal representations be invited, and thereafter that the Draft Charging Schedule be submitted for independent examination in public in accordance with the approved Local Development Scheme. 2. That authority be delegated to the Director of Place to submit the Draft Charging Schedule for independent examination in public, once the period for representations has been completed. 3. That (1) and (2) above be subject to authorisation of the Director of Place, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader, to make minor amendments as may be necessary, prior to consultation for representations and/or prior to the submission of the Draft Charging Schedule for independent examination in public. |
To consider and approve the report.
Contact: Eamonn Croston, Strategic Finance Manager Additional documents:
Decision: 1) That approval be given to the early high level re-fresh of baseline funding and cost projections as detailed at paragraph 2.2.1, table 2. 2) That approval be given to the early savings proposals within the Medium Term Financial Plan update 2017-2021, as set out in paragraphs 2.3.5, table 3. 3) That approval be given to the budget planning framework as set out at paragraph 2.6.1. 4) That approval be given to the Council’s Efficiency Plan, as attached at Appendix D, and submission to the DCLG, on or prior to 14 October 2016. 5) That approval be given to the proposed budget consultation approach and timetable, as set out in paragraphs 4.9 to 4.12. 6) That it be noted that an update will be provided later in the year on any material changes to high level cost and income assumptions as set out in this Medium Term Financial Plan update, in particular informed by the Autumn Statement announcement expected late November 2016, and further by the 2016 Local Government Financial; Settlement, as detailed in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3. 7) That approval be given to the Budget Planning Framework as set out in paragraph 2.6.2. |