Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Huddersfield. View directions
Contact: Andrea Woodside Email:
No. | Item |
Announcements by the Mayor and Chief Executive To receive any announcements from the Mayor and Chief Executive. Decision: The Mayor conveyed the thanks of Council to the emergency services who were currently tackling a large fire at Marsden Moor.
Minutes: The Mayor conveyed the thanks of Council to the emergency services who were currently tackling a large fire at Marsden Moor.
Apologies for absence Group Business Managers to submit any apologies for absence. Decision: Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Greaves, Holroyd-Doveton, Kane, Khan and McGuin.
Minutes: Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Greaves, Holroyd-Doveton, Kane, Khan and McGuin.
Declaration of Interests The Councillors will be asked to say if there are any items of the Agenda in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, which would prevent them from participating in any discussion of them items or participating in any votes upon the items, or any other interests. Decision: The following Councillors declared an ‘other’ interest in relation to Agenda Item 4; - Councillor Scott; on the grounds that she lives adjacent to the Chidswell site - Councillor Bellamy; on the grounds that she is a Trustee of Holme Valley Land Charity and Holme Valley Parish Council - Councillor D Firth; on the grounds that he is a Trustee of Holme Valley Land Charity and Holme Valley Parish Council - Councillor Sokhal; on the grounds that he is a Director of Kirklees Active Leisure - Councillor E Firth; on the grounds that he is a Member of Kirklees Community Association, Dewsbury Endowed Schools Foundation Trust and Dewsbury East Community Trust - Councillor Sims, on the grounds that he owns land and business in Holme Valley South, and is a Director of Kirklees Stadium Development Limited
The Monitoring Officer advised that she had granted dispensations to Councillors Smaje, Mather and Pattison in their capacity as Board Members of Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing.
Minutes: The following Councillors declared an ‘other’ interest in relation to Agenda Item 4; - Councillor Scott; on the grounds that she lives adjacent to the Chidswell site - Councillor Bellamy; on the grounds that she is a Trustee of Holme Valley Land Charity and Holme Valley Parish Council - Councillor D Firth; on the grounds that he is a Trustee of Holme Valley Land Charity and Holme Valley Parish Council - Councillor Sokhal; on the grounds that he is a Director of Kirklees Active Leisure - Councillor E Firth; on the grounds that he is a Member of Kirklees Community Association, Dewsbury Endowed Schools Foundation Trust and Dewsbury East Community Trust - Councillor Sims, on the grounds that he owns land and business in Holme Valley South, and is a Director of Kirklees Stadium Development Limited
The Monitoring Officer advised that she had granted dispensations to Councillors Smaje, Mather and Pattison in their capacity as Board Members of Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing.
To consider the adoption of the Local Plan (incorporating the Inspector’s recommended Main Modifications (relating to soundness and legal compliance) and the Council’s Additional Modifications (relating to minor corrections/clarification) and, subject to this decision, delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Economy & Infrastructure to prepare and publish information required post-adoption of a development plan in accordance with relevant legislation.
Contact: Richard Hollinson, Policy Group Leader, Planning Services
Please note that any members of the public who wish to address Council must have registered by 12 noon on Monday 25th February 2019. To pre-register, please email or phone 01484 221000 (ext 74993). Additional documents:
Decision: 1) That the Council notes the Report of the Inspectors and their recommended Main Modifications as set out within the appendix to the considered report. 2) That the Council adopts the Kirklees Local Plan incorporating the Main Modifications recommended by the Inspector, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, and further Modifications as proposed by the Council, as set out in Appendices 2 and 3, and in doing so, replaces the current statutory development plan (Kirklees Unitary Development Plan). 3) That, pursuant to (2) above, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director – Economy and Infrastructure, to prepare the Policies Map to illustrate geographically the application of policies in the Kirklees Local Plan, incorporating the modifications relating to the Policies Map, as set out within the appendices of the report. 4) That, pursuant to (2) above, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director – Economy and Infrastructure, to make any further Additional Modifications to the Kirklees Local Plan that relate exclusively to factual updates, grammatical and formatting corrections for the purposes of publishing a plan. 5) That, pursuant to (2) above, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Economy and Infrastructure, to publicise adoption of the Kirklees Local Plan and to prepare and publicise the post-adoption sustainability appraisal/strategic environmental assessment statement in accordance with the regulations governing such matters.
(In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 24(3), a recorded vote was taken on the Motion and was as follows; For: Councillors Ahmed, Akhtar, Asif, Dad, E Firth, Griffiths, S Hall, Hill, Homewood, Hughes, Hussain, Kaushik, Kendrick, Loonat, Mather, McBride, Murgatroyd, O’Donovan, Pandor, Pattison, Pervaiz, A U Pinnock, Richards, Sarwar, Scott, Sheard, Simpson, Sokhal, Turner, Ullah, Uppal, Walker and Zaman (33 votes) Against: Councillors Armer, Bellamy, Bolt, Burke, Eastwood, D Firth, Grainger- Mead, D Hall, Holmes, Iredale, Lawson, Lees-Hamilton, Munro, Patrick, A Pinnock, K Pinnock, Sims, Smaje, Smith, J Taylor, K Taylor, Thompson and Watson (23 votes) Abstained: Councillors Allison, Cooper and Lyons
Minutes: Council received a presentation from Richard Hollinson, Planning Services, which (i) set out the main stages of preparing the Local Plan (ii) summarised the key messages from the inspector’s report following the Secretary of State’s examination of The Plan and (iii) explained the recommendations to Council.
Following the presentation, public representations were received from Grahame Maxwell, Jacey Bedford, Mark Burrell (delivered by Grahame Maxwell), Julie Maxwell, Ian Walter and Nicola Gatenby.
It was moved by Councillor McBride, and seconded by Councillor Pandor, that;
1) The Council notes the Report of the Inspectors and their recommended Main Modifications as set out within the appendix to the considered report. 2) That the Council adopts the Kirklees Local Plan incorporating the Main Modifications recommended by the Inspector, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, and further Modifications as proposed by the Council, as set out in Appendices 2 and 3, and in doing so, replaces the current statutory development plan (Kirklees Unitary Development Plan). 3) That, pursuant to (2) above, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director – Economy and Infrastructure, to prepare the Policies Map to illustrate geographically the application of policies in the Kirklees Local Plan, incorporating the modifications relating to the Policies Map, as set out within the appendices of the report. 4) That, pursuant to (2) above, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director – Economy and Infrastructure, to make any further Additional Modifications to the Kirklees Local Plan that relate exclusively to factual updates, grammatical and formatting corrections for the purposes of publishing a plan. 5) That, pursuant to (2) above, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Economy and Infrastructure, to publicise adoption of the Kirklees Local Plan and to prepare and publicise the post-adoption sustainability appraisal/strategic environmental assessment statement in accordance with the regulations governing such matters.
During the consideration of this item, it was moved by Councillor Asif, and seconded by Councillor Pattison, that in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15 (11), the Motion be put to the vote.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 24 (3), it was requested that the vote be taken by recorded vote, which was as follows;
For: Councillors Ahmed, Akhtar, Asif, Dad, E Firth, Griffiths, S Hall, Hill, Homewood, Hughes, Hussain, Kaushik, Kendrick, Loonat, Mather, McBride, Murgatroyd, O’Donovan, Pandor, Pattison, Pervaiz, A U Pinnock, Richards, Sarwar, Scott, Sheard, Simpson, Sokhal, Turner, Ullah, Uppal, Walker and Zaman (33 votes)
Against: Councillors Allison, Armer, Bellamy, Bolt, Burke, Cooper, D Firth, D Hall, Eastwood, Grainger- Mead, Holmes, Iredale, Lawson, Lees-Hamilton, Munro, Patrick, A Pinnock, K Pinnock, J Taylor, K Taylor, Sims, Smaje, Smith, Thompson and Watson (25 votes)
Abstained: Councillor Lyons
Upon being CARRIED, the Motion as proposed by Councillor McBride was therefore put to the meeting and it was;
1) The Council notes the Report of the Inspectors and their recommended Main Modifications as set out within the appendix to the considered report. 2) That the Council adopts the Kirklees Local Plan incorporating the ... view the full minutes text for item 141. |