Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Huddersfield. View directions
Contact: Jenny Bryce-Chan Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair The Committee will appoint a chair for the remainder of the municipal year. Decision: The Committee appointed Councillor Graham Turner as the chair for the remainder of the municipal year. |
Membership of the Committee To receive apologies for absence of Members who are unable to attend this meeting.
Decision: No apologies for absence were received.
Declaration of Interests The Councillors will be asked to say if there are any items of the Agenda in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, which would prevent them from participating in any discussion of them items or participating in any vote upon the items, or any other interests. Decision: No interests were declared.
Admission of the Public Most debates take place in public. This only changes when there is a need to consider certain issues, for instance, commercially sensitive information or details concerning an individual. You will be told at this point whether there are any items on the Agenda which are to be discussed in private. Decision: Agreed that agenda item 13 – private information relating to the Kirklees Stadium Development Ltd request to vary existing Council financial security arrangements be taken in private due to the report containing confidential information.
Deputations/Petitions The Board will receive any petitions and hear any deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also hand in a petition at the meeting but that petition should relate to something on which the body has powers and responsibilities. MATTERS Decision: No deputations were received.
Public Question Time The Committee will hear any questions from the general public. Decision: No questions were asked.
Member Question Time To consider questions from Councillors. Decision: No questions were asked.
A report seeking approval for the leasehold asset transfer.
Officer: Joe Tingle 01484 221000
Decision: DECISION –
1) That approval be given to the grant of a lease by the Council, in accordance with the 2017 Community Asset Transfer Policy, subject to planning permission for the proposed extension of their facilities, for nil consideration.
2) That if planning permission is not granted a lease be approved for the current footprint on the site.
3) That both leases include restrictive covenants ensuring continued use by Spenborough Model Experimental Engineers Ltd for their current activities and future community based activities.
4) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Place) and Assistant Director (Legal, Governance and Monitoring), to negotiate and agree the terms and red line boundary of the leasehold transfer that relate to the transfer of the parcel of land at Royds Park to Spenborough Model Experimental Engineers Ltd.
Freehold Asset Transfer Hunsworth Community Centre, Green Lane, Hunsworth, BD19 4DZ A report seeking approval for the asset transfer of the building and surrounding land
Officer: Joe Tingle 01484 221000
Decision: DECISION -
1) That in accordance with the 2017 Community Asset Transfer Policy, the transfer of the freehold of Hunsworth Community Centre to the Trustees of the Hunsworth Community Association, for nil consideration be aprpoved.
2) That the freehold will include covenants to ensure that the centre can only be used for Community use with an exception of up to 30% of commercial use in line with previous asset transfers.
3) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Physical Resources and Procurement) and Assistant Director (Legal, Governance and Monitoring), to negotiate and agree the terms and red line boundary of the freehold transfer that relate to the transfer of the Hunsworth Community Centre to the Trustees of the Hunsworth Community Association.
Bradley Playing Fields A report setting out the proposal to grant a 125 year lease of the land and buildings that currently make up Bradley Park Playing Fields
Officer: Joe Tingle, 01484 221000
Decision: DECISION -
1) That in accordance with the 2017 Community Asset Transfer Policy, the grant of a 125 year lease to Friends of Bradley Park Charitable Incorporated Organisation for nil consideration be approved.
2) That the lease will include covenants to ensure that the site and proposed new community hub building is restricted to community use only.
3) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Place) and Assistant Director (Legal, Governance and Monitoring), to negotiate and agree the terms of the lease, grant agreement and any associated documentation for the transfer of Bradley Park Playing Fields to Friends of Bradley Park Charitable Incorporated organisation.
A report seeking to update Members on the latest position for 2016/17 on Corporate Landlord managed sections of the Capital Plan.
Officer: Stephen Stead - Asset Strategy Manager, Jonathan Quarmby - Corporate Facilities Manager and David Martin - Capital Delivery and Development Manager Tel: 01484 221000
Decision: DECISION –
1) That the amendments to the detail of the approved 2016/17 Corporate Landlord managed sections of the Capital Plan be noted.
2) That approval be given for the programme of work for 2017/18 as per the overall capital allocation approved at Council on 15 February 2017.
3) That approval be given to delegate powers as outlined in paragraphs 2.10 to 2.13 of the report.
Exclusion of the Public To resolve that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business, on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Decision: DECISION – Determined
2016/17 and 2017/18 Council Capital Plan - Proposed allocation of 2017/18 capital funding from the Corporate Landlord Capital Budget and details of proposed amendments to the 2016/17 approved programmes A private appendix in relation to Item 12 above.
This report is recommended to be considered in private as it contains information as classified under Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). It is considered that it would not be in the public interest to disclose the information contained in the report as disclosure could potentially adversely affect overall value for money and could compromise the commercial confidentiality of the bidding organisations and may disclose the contractual terms, which is considered to outweigh the public interest in disclosing information including, greater accountability, transparency in spending public money and openness in Council decision-making.
Officer: Stephen Stead - Asset Strategy Manager, Jonathan Quarmby - Corporate Facilities Manager and David Martin - Capital Delivery and Development Manager Tel: 01484 221000 Decision: Cabinet considered confidential information relating to the request to vary existing Council financial security arrangements in relation to the Council’s Cabinet Plan prior to taking a decision on item 11 above.