Agenda and minutes

Dewsbury Town Board - Thursday 28th March 2024 4.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber , Town Hall, Dewsbury. View directions

Contact: Nicola Sylvester  Email:

No. Item


Membership of Dewsbury Town Deal Board

To receive apologies for absence from Board Members who are unable to attend this meeting.


Apologies were received from Mark Eastwood, Paul Burnett, Fara Butt, Martin Walsh, Nancy Barrett, Martyn Broadest, Sophie Johnson and Anum Rehman.


The Chair advised the Board that Rob Livingstone and Martyn Broadest had resigned as Board Members and thanked them for their contribution to the Board.



Declaration of Interests

Members will be asked to say if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have any disclosable pecuniary interests or any other interests, which may prevent them from participating in any discussion of the items or participating in any vote upon the items.


No interests were declared.


The Chair requested that Board members return their updated declaration of interest forms to Governance Officers as soon as possible.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 422 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 16th November 2023 and 25th January 2024.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting 25th January 2024 be noted.



Admission of the Public

Most agenda items take place in public. This only changes where there is a need to consider exempt information, as contained at Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. You will be informed at this point which items are to be recommended for exclusion and to be resolved by the Board.


The Board noted the exempt information, as set out at Agenda item 13.



Public Question Time

Under pre-election guidance, there will be no public questions at this meeting.


No public questions were received.




The Board will receive any petitions and/or deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also submit a petition at the meeting relating to a matter on which the body has powers and responsibilities.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, Members of the Public must submit a deputation in writing, at least three clear working days in advance of the meeting and shall subsequently be notified if the deputation shall be heard. A maximum of four deputations shall be heard at any one meeting.


No Deputations or Petitions were received.



Dewsbury Market/Market Public Realm pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Contact: Karen Roache, Markets Manager.


The Board received a presentation from Simon Taylor, Head of Town Centre Programmes and Karen Roche, Market Manager on Dewsbury Market and Market Public Realm.


Mr Taylor explained that the PAR process with Department of Levelling Up Housing and Community (DLUHC) had been complete with stage 2 design and costing finalised.  The Market Business Plan continued to develop with ongoing trader engagement and a trader application process had been set up. Engagement had started with the Planning Team and the Highways Team were now part of the overall project.


The Board received a presentation on the following:

  • Park and Outdoor Space
  • Events
  • Current Trader Types and Numbers
  • Spatial Design
  • Costs at the end of Stage 2
  • Key Milestones
  • Key Risks
  • Engagement


During discussion, the Board questioned the running costs of the water feature in the park and the closing period to market traders. Mr Taylor advised that conversations were to take place on the cost of running the water feature, and that a decision on its inclusion would most likely be made at the next stage of design.  In addition, the project team would need to review how that area of the park could be utilised. The decant market would open early 2025, with minimum disruption to market traders.  It was noted that the Market would not close in a trading period, and that any communication regarding the market to be collective communication from the Board, through Kirklees Communications team.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted, and Officers thanked for their contribution.



Dewsbury Better Spaces (Public Realm). pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Contact: Deborah Swatman, Group Engineer, Highways & Streetscene.


The Board received a presentation from Debbie Swatman, Group Engineer – Public Realm, who provided a progress update on proposals presented to the Board in September 2023.  A budget of £4m had been allocated, with three key areas being prioritised, which were (i) Town Hall Apron and Town Hall Way, (ii) Memorial Park  and Long causeway, (iii) Market Place.


Ms Swatman advised the Board on the programme of works which were as follows:

  • Planning application for the Bandstand – May 2024
  • Traffic Regulation Order Consultation for temporary road closures - April/May 2024
  • On site – Town Hall Way – June/July 2023
  • Town Hall Apron, Memorial Gardens and Longcauseway –Early 2025
  • Market Place – On site following the Market Decant.


During discussion, the Board was advised that from consultations on the Band Stand it was felt that the structure stopped openness with some aspects of antisocial behaviour in its current location. There was a stand base without a band stand within Crow Nest Park which was a potential suitable location.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted, and Officers thanked for their contribution.



Project Update pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Contact: Michelle Illingworth, Economic Resilience Project Officer, Dewsbury Town Investment Plan.

Additional documents:


The Board received highlighted reports on all projects.


Mr Taylor advised the Board that there had been activity on the Arcade with strip out work currently being undertaken.


Mr Mason advised the Board that marketing developer tenders for Field House had now closed, with a group being chosen next month who would communicate activities and help find tenants.


Mr Singh updated the Board on Skills village. Progress reports received were very positive, and it was likely that the College would be on site at the Spring Field campus for a temporary facility. 


Mr Singh advised the Board that Kirklees College had received 30 applications for construction and skills courses in September 2024, if it wasn’t for the Town Deal the opportunity would not be available for the Dewsbury Community. Kirklees College were to bring a presentation to the Board on communication work the college wanted to carry out, who were to spend substantial revenue in promoting Dewsbury. Mr Taylor advised the Board that a paper on Daisy Hill had been circulated with details of properties that Kirklees Council owned.



Mr Taylor advised the Board that Peter Thompson had retired and thanked him for the work that he had undertaken. Andrew Raleigh was to replace Peter as programme manager and to take the position from April 2025.


Heritage advisor Nigel Hunston had also retired and had been replaced by another member of staff.  Nigel was also thanked for the work he had undertaken.


RESOLVED: That the Project Update be noted.



Long Term Plan

Contact: David Wildman, Strategic Partnership Lead – Town Centres.


Mr Taylor explained that a meeting had taken place with DLUHC on Monday 25th March 2024, with an update circulated to the Board. This included an introduction providing an update on progress made on the development of the Long-term plan, since the discussion at the last Board meeting on 25th January 2024.


The note was split into three sections, including:

  • Governance requirements and arrangements for 1st April
  • Long-term Plan development activities since the last board meeting
  • Next steps to develop Long-term Plan for 1st August 2024.


As Dewsbury had an existing Town Deal Board, it was agreed that this Board would become the Town Board, in line with the December 2023 DLHUC guidance around the formation of a board.


To ensure the membership of the Board reflected the community, the Chair had engaged with Town Deal Members to confirm if they wanted to be part of the new Town Board.  The Chair also sought nominations for new members and initiated contact. 


Guidance from DLUHC advised that town boards should have a membership of around 15 members, the addition of new board members meant that there would be at least 20 members.  The Chair had confirmed that the larger number would only be in place for a short-term whilst the plan was developed. As part of the board effectiveness review in October 2024, the size and structure of the Board would be reviewed.


The Chair of the Board confirmed that Sophie Johnson had been appointed as Deputy Chair of the Town Board.


A draft Terms of Reference had been circulated to Board Members ahead of a Long-term Plan meeting on 7th March. Comments and suggestions raised by Board Members were noted.  Using the feedback and following engagement with DLUHC, the Terms of Reference had been amended and endorsed by the Chair on 22nd March 2024.  During discussion, the Board raised concerns around the lack of clarity and status of the board, what powers the Board had and what decisions were retained by the Council. It was noted that the amended Terms of Reference addressed those concerns and would be brought for consideration/ratification by the new Town Board in the meeting in May 2024.


Since the Board Meeting in January 2024, a number of workshops had taken place to raise awareness, share ideas and start to develop a list of potential interventions.  The sessions had helped to identify ideas and potential interventions which would need to be refined and assessed to identify areas that met priorities and were deliverable within the funding. 


The Long-term Plan needed to be underpinned by an understanding of the priorities for the wider community.  In the meeting on 25th January 2024, Board Members noted their support to progressing community engagement and an update on progress was provided at the meeting on 7th March 2024.  Kirklees Council had contacted seven companies. Five companies had expressed an interest with deadlines for responses being Tuesday 16th April 2024.


Work was underway  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 16th May 2024 at 4:00pm

Location: Dewsbury Town Hall


For Terms of Reference please visit



Thursday 16th May 2024

Location: Dewsbury Town Hall



Exclusion of the Public

To resolve that under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business, on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.



Project Updates

Contact: Michelle Illingworth, Economic Resilience Project Officer, Dewsbury Town Investment Plan.


The Board considered exempt information in relation to agenda item 9.