Decision about the published statutory proposal to decommission 6 transitional places at Headlands CE (VC) JI&N School for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and to deliver services in a different way.
Ward: All
Officer: Mandy Cameron, Head of Service Education and Inclusion Harkireet Sohel, Head of Service Outcomes for Children, Tel: 01484 221000
That Cabinet:-
1. Noted
the advice of the Kirklees Kirklees
School Organisation Advisory Group that the proposals to
decommission 6 transitional places and outreach at Headlands CE(VC)
JI&N School for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder from 1
March 2019 and deliver the service in a different way;
that the statutory process had enabled a full and detailed
presentation of the proposals to interested parties;
the rationale for the proposal had been clearly articulated against
the factors in the decision maker’s guidance as outlined in
Appendix 7 of the report; and
d. and the issues raised in consultation had been presented for full consideration against the factors in decision maker’s guidance.
2. Approved without modification or condition the proposals outlined within the report.
Supporting documents: