Agenda item

Number and Age of Children in Care

The Panel will consider a report giving an update on the number and age of children in care. 


Contact Officer: Julie Bragg, Head of Corporate Parenting

                            (Children in Care and Care Leavers)



The Panel considered a report giving an update on the number and age of children in care presented by Julie Bragg, Head of Corporate Parenting (Children in Care and Care Leavers).


In response to a question from the Panel relating to the number of children in care under 1 year old, Julie Bragg advised that there had been an increase in numbers following more pre-birth assessments and plans had been agreed for some children to come into care.  The Chair of the Panel, Cllr Marchington, agreed to discuss this matter in more detail at the Lead Member Briefings and report back to the Panel. 


In response to a question from the Panel relating to the placement of young people in unregistered homes, Mel Meggs advised that part of the plan for young people leaving care was for them to live in semi-independent accommodation when it was right for them to live without support.  Mel Meggs further explained that some young people did not do well in children’s homes and thrived when they moved into semi-independent accommodation and often made strides in that environment.  Mel Meggs advised the Panel that it would not be appropriate for children to live in unregistered children’s homes and Kirklees did challenge non-registered children’s homes.  The Panel was advised that all necessary checks were undertaken to ascertain if the home was the right place for the child but that it was often a complex issue.  The Panel was advised that there had been a recent review of children in care by well qualified staff to ensure that all children were supported properly and officers had been looking at what provision was available in the next 2 years for the 16 plus age range.  The Panel was informed that children leaving care still had a co-person until the age of 18 and that they could ring that person should they have any issues.  Mel Meggs advised the Panel that it was important to the Service to nurture good relationships between young people leaving care and the Independent Reviewing Officers.  Mel Meggs advised the Panel that the Independent Reviewing Officers would check that the quality of care was up to the required standard and as they were independent they provided challenge to the Children’s Service and could also escalate issues if necessary. 


In response to a question from the Panel relating to reducing the number of children placed outside Kirklees, Julie Bragg advised that the Council was constantly trying to reduce this figure but some children wished to stay in the area where they had been placed due to networks and attachments formed and schools that they were attending.  The Panel was informed that placements of children in care outside the district were reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they were meeting the needs of the child. Tom Brailsford informed the Panel that the Council’s ambition was to place as few children as possible outside the district and that officers were looking at a number of creative ways to achieve this.  Mel Meggs advised that the Council’s aspiration was to have no children living outside the area within approximately 5 years.  The Panel was informed that the Children’s Service were in discussions with other Local Authorities who did not have any children living outside the area to learn from their approaches and practices.  


In response to a question from the Panel relating to how children in care felt about it and what their experiences were, Julie Bragg advised that the Children’s Service did work with young people in care to help them to understand their situations which could often be complex and that there were forums such as the Children in Care Council where officers could listen to children and their experiences.  Julie Bragg assured the Panel that it was very important to the Service to listen to children as the services and support could only be improved if the Council learnt from their feedback. 


Cllr Marchington advised the Panel that a report would shortly be considered by the Corporate Parenting Board on the Voice of the Child and agreed to share the report with the Children’s Scrutiny Panel when it was available.  The Panel requested that information be included in future reports on the voice of the child and their experiences and officers should demonstrate to the Panel that children were being listened to.  Tom Brailsford advised the Panel that a lot of good work was being undertaken within the Service on the children’s voice and how this could be embedded across the service.


In response to a question from the Panel regarding special guardianships and what support was offered to wider families, Julie Bragg advised that the Council continued to support the transition from birth to being cared for by family members to make sure the carers were confident and had the support team they required.    Julie Bragg further explained that the Carer and Connected Support Team supported carers, families and grandparents and it was about their needs and those of the family and what support they required.  The Panel was informed that Children’s Services had been working closely with Grandparents Plus and a carer’s independent support group had been set up that met regularly and was run by themselves.



1.    The Panel noted the report on Number and Age of Children in Care and thanked Julie Bragg for her contributions.

2.    The Panel agreed to visit the Independent Reviewing Officers to further explore the support they give to young people leaving care or living in semi-independent accommodation.

3.    The Panel agreed that the voice of the child and their experiences should be clearly demonstrated in all future reports to the Panel.

4.    The Chair of the Panel agreed to discuss the numbers of children in care under 1 year old at Lead Member Briefings and report back to the Panel.

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