Agenda item

Updates from Board Members on interaction with Services

The Board will consider verbal updates from Board Members who will give an update on progress and key issues following interaction with Services and partners to challenge the role of the Corporate Parent. (11.45 am)


Contact: Helen Kilroy, Principal Governance and Democratic Engagement Officer


The Board considered verbal updates from Board Members on progress and key issues following interaction with Services and partners to challenge the role of the Corporate Parent.


Councillor Richard Smith advised the Board that he had recently visited the Youth Offending Team (YOT) to learn more about the youth justice system and the support provided to young offenders by YOT. The Board was informed that the Police were working with these children and the work going on was really making a difference to helping the young people.  The Board noted that for a young person the stigma of a criminal conviction could make it very hard to get employment, but the Youth Offending Team helped them go get on the education and career ladder.


In response to a discussion regarding preventative work being undertaken with young people, Julie Bragg advised the Board that the Service was looking at a Youth Model involving agencies across the borough exploring youth zones, youth offer and preventative work.  The Board was informed that the Multi-Systemic Team undertook a lot of preventative work with young people and agreed to consider a future report giving more information on the role of this team. 


Cllr Allison advised the Board that she had been in contact with Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing to discuss housing for young people and had gone through an A to Z of what it was like for a young person when signing up for a Council tenancy.  Cllr Allison further explained that an explanation had been provided on the help that was given to care leavers, which included a contact person for them to talk to about any problems with their tenancy.


Cllr Kendrick advised the Board that she had attended a Tackling Poverty Group where KNH had developed a pilot project to help vulnerable young people to get a tenancy.  Cllr Allison agreed to speak to KNH to ascertain how this pilot was developing and would report back to the Board.


The Chair of the Board, Cllr Kendrick, gave a summary of events, visits and meetings she had recently attended, as follows:-

·         Connected Persons Halloween Party

·         Foster Carers thank you evening

·         Residential Children’s Homes in Kirklees

·         Youth Commissioners of Kirklees regarding the Democracy Commission and looking for Cabinet Member Champion;

·         Yorkshire and Humber Lead Members meeting – the main agenda item was regarding the Mental Health of young people and children in care.


Julie Bragg advised the Board that she had attended the Care Leavers Christmas Party and Christmas Dinner on the 25th December 2019 where voluntary organisations, volunteers, charities and local businesses had come together to serve a Christmas dinner to 25 young people in care and the event had been very successful.  Julie Bragg went on to explain that transport had been provided to get the young people to the event and gifts had been donated.  The Board was informed that the young people had fed back that they had really enjoyed the event.


Sanna Mahmood advised the Board that in October 2020 the Children in Care Council would be organising a black tie dinner and auction to raise funds for care leavers.



1.    The Board noted the updates from Board Members on interaction with services.        

2.    The Board agreed to consider a future report on the role of the Multi-Systemic Team in the support provided and work undertaken with young people to prevent them getting involved in crime. 

3.    The Board agreed to consider a future update on the Tackling Poverty Pilot Project being run by KNH to help vulnerable young people to get a council tenancy.