Agenda item

Update on the wider opening of schools and the planning for next academic year

This report  provides an overview in relation to schools since the outbreak of Covid-19 and explain the engagement, collaboration and planning in place that has supported a wider opening for children and young people


Contact: Jo-Anne Sanders


The Panel received a report providing an overview in relation to schools since the outbreak of Covid-19 and explaining the engagement, collaboration and planning in place that has supported a wider opening for children and young people. Alongside this, and where there are specific characteristics in relation to the type of setting, the report set out the work being undertaken for Special Schools, the Early Years and Childcare sector, Post 16 settings and Alternative Provision. 


The report included details of the latest government guidance relating to the re-opening of schools. Statistical information in respect of attendance levels was appended to the report.


During discussion of this item, Jo-Anne Sanders highlighted the following engagement and actions that had been put in place as part of the education planning process in Kirklees:


·                School Headteachers representing the system from the Education and Learning Partnership Board (Secondary/Special/Primary) - originally daily, now twice a week.

·                CEOs of Multi Academy Trusts – weekly

·                Civil Servants from the DfE – originally daily, now twice a week.

·                Kirklees Learning Partner 1:1 engagement with Headteachers

·                Community Planning Hub strategic leads (building on the 17 Kirklees Community Hubs to support locally planned arrangements, plus 1 specific hub for Special Schools given the bespoke nature of their offer and cohort).

·                Trade Union liaison via corporate Business Continuity (as well as now a Schools specific weekly meeting led by the Service Director for Learning and Early Support)

·                A schools Covid dedicated telephone line and email address to funnel in questions/queries.

·                Regular comms/FAQs/Guidance issued to the system via ‘Heads Up’ our electronic communication system to schools from Learning Services (attendance, admissions etc. as well as all corporate services including Infection Prevention Control, Catering, Cleaning, Risk Assessments, HR, Emergency Planning as well as sign posting to the regularly updated Government Guidance. This has been particularly key in terms of supporting Free School Meals entitlements and challenges with the Government system/the Council’s support for children and families over the holiday periods.

·                Liaison and contribution to regional and national strategic groups via the Association of Directors of Children’s Services.


Questions and comments were invited from the Panel and the following issues were raised:


·         Councillor Smith suggested that a gap analysis be provided to parents to highlight the effect of lost teaching time as a result of the pandemic. Jo-Anne Sanders stressed the importance of getting all children back into schools to enable staff to analyse where children were up to.

·         With regard to Catch Up packages, exact details are awaited in relation to how they are to be delivered and the funding packages associated with them.

Linda Summers highlighted the fact that currently catch up packages were not available for post 16 education within colleges.

·         In response to a question concerning the wider opening of schools and whether the test, track and trace programme was effective and fully operational, it was explained that clear guidance had been provided to schools on how to respond to outbreaks.

·         In response to a question from Toni Bromley concerning specific risk assessments for BAME staff and pupils, Jo-Anne Sanders confirmed that risk assessments did cover all BAME staff and undertook to take away the issue of how applied to BAME children going forward.

·         With regard to the issue of innovation and the increased use of digital technology, Panel Members recognised the creative opportunities but stressed the need to ensure inclusiveness and recognise the real issues of digital poverty in relation to both hardware and broadband connectivity.




The Panel noted the report and the update on the ongoing work to re-open schools within Kirklees.


Supporting documents: