Agenda item

Local Economic Recovery Plan

A presentation will be given at the meeting.


Contact: Chris Duffill – Head of Business and Skills


Angela Blake, Service Director for Economy and Skills gave a presentation setting out details in relation to the development of the Kirklees Economic Recovery Plan (ERP). The presentation initially highlighted the impact of Covid-19 in Kirklees which included statistics in respect of employment and the increase in benefit claims in the region.


With regard to the objectives of the Plan the following information was set out highlighting the means of supporting economic recovery through:


      Collective investment, procurement and recruitment decisions; use of key property and other assets;

      Funding and support for business resilience and growth; and

      Helping to mitigate the economic impacts of the virus on our most vulnerable residents.

It was further reported that The ERP will:


      Be intelligence-led, driven by emerging evidence on local economic impacts and needs;

      Integrate business and infrastructure investments with interventions to support vulnerable people and achieve inclusive growth; and,

      Balance support for sectors with the potential to deliver growth during the recovery and those that need to strengthen their resilience.


The Council will create a £40m Economic Recovery Fund by:


·         Repurposing our Property Investment Fund and Start Up and Retention Fund

·         Prioritising other capital investments that will directly support the recovery.

·         Continued recourse to funding form Government, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority/Leeds City Region LEP and other sources


The presentation set out existing and new initiatives aimed at supporting business growth, people skills and employment as well as providing information in respect of climate change issues and the green environment.


                 Questions and comments were invited from Panel Members and the following issues were raised:



  • Councillor Bolt highlighted the need for the green economy and active travel initiatives to be at the forefront of the recovery plan and referred to the need to be more proactive with regard to cycling schemes and community asset transfers to community groups. Councillor Mather explained that the plan was a draft, fluid document that was aligned with existing blueprints and the local plan. With regard to active travel measures it was reported that this was being done on a phased basis to support regeneration and an assurance was given active travel was vitally important.


  • Councillor Taylor expressed concern with regard to plans to re-purpose and re-profile the Capital Programme and referred to the implications for the medium term financial plan with regard to planned returns on investments.


  • Councillor Taylor highlighted the issue of potential falling rolls at University and the impact for Huddersfield with regard to student accommodation and the student economy. Concerns were also raised in relation to excess office accommodation as a result of the pandemic and the financial implications of this in terms of rental income. Councillor McBride acknowledged the changing nature of office work, which will need to be taken into account as town centre schemes develop and gave an assurance that the reconfiguration and redevelopment of town centres across Kirklees will continue despite the pandemic.


  • In response to a question concerning White Rose Forest, Councillor Walker acknowledged the importance of engaging with local ward Councillors.


  • Councillor Taylor stressed the importance of a Transport Strategy for Kirklees, which includes reference to strategic linkages north/south as well as east/west.


  • Eilidh Ogden highlighted that in order to understand the impacts from the pandemic, detailed data and evidence relating to the impact on particular locations, industries and skills. This will ensure that support and investment is targeted effectively.


  • In response to a question from Councillor Murgatroyd concerning a co-operative development agency it was reported that the issue was captured within the West Yorkshire Recovery Plan.


  • With regard to the passive house standard of housing development, it was explained that a consultant was being commissioned develop a pilot scheme that would test the environmental principles associated with passive house. Andrew Bird, co-opted member, highlighted the importance of the need for green skills for young people to enable to construction of environmentally efficient housing.


  • Councillor Eastwood stressed the importance of getting business support  information to local businesses effectively and also the importance of liaising with businesses in respect of plans for active travel initiatives


  • Andrew Bird commented that any re-profiling of capital spend should recognise the importance of linking in with the local workforce and maximise spending within the local economy.


  • Councillor Mather highlighted that young people are at the centre of plans for economic recovery and stressed the importance of working in partnership to ensure skill levels are developed to the benefit of the local economy.




 1.   That the Panel highlight the importance of emphasising community wealth building as part of the economic recovery plan.


2.   That detailed, evidenced modelling continue to be undertaken on particular locations, industries and skills to ensure that support and investment is targeted effectively.


3.   That the Panel recognises the importance of new green opportunities with regard to the build environment and supports the continued development of green skills training for the local workforce.