Agenda item

Draft Supplementary Planning Documents and Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note

The Panel will consider draft supplementary planning documents relating to Housebuilding Design; House Extensions and  Alterations; along with a draft Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note  


Contacts: John Buddle (Planning Policy and Strategy Team Leader, Planning Policy Group)

                  Amy Reddick (Biodiversity Officer, Conservation & Design Team)


The Panel received draft supplementary planning documents relating to

 House Extensions and Alterations and Housebuilder Design, along with a technical advice note in relation to Bio Diversity net gain.



The draft House Extensions and Alteration Guide SPD will support the implementation of the policies in the Local Plan, primarily policy LP24 Design, and provide further guidance on key considerations for planning applications for the extension and alteration of existing homes in Kirklees. Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) are produced to add clarity in relation to the application of planning policies set out in the Local Plan. The draft SPD provides clear guidance about how the council will implement Local Plan policy LP24 (Design) and determine what will normally be expected in terms of high quality, well-designed extensions and alterations to houses in Kirklees. It will provide important certainty for elected members, officers and external parties such as the local community and developers.


The draft Housebuilders Design Guide SPD will provide further guidance on key considerations for planning applications for the design and layout of housing developments in Kirklees.


A presentation was given setting out the general scope and content of the documents. The adopted Local Plan policy LP24 (Design) which provides the policy basis for the SPD’s was appended to the report.


A report was submitted providing detailed advice on how Biodiversity Net Gain should be achieved by development within Kirklees in accordance with Local Plan policy LP30 (Biodiversity and Geodiversity). It was explained that a technical advice note will provide important certainty for elected members, officers and external parties such as the local community and developers.


Following public consultation, approval for the Technical Guidance Note will be sought from Cabinet. Subject to approval, the Technical Guidance Note will be given weight as a material consideration in the planning applications process but will carry less weight than a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). At a later date, once the Environment Bill is passed, the intention will be to progress this to become an SPD including any changes required through the Environment Act. At the relevant time it will therefore be subject to the formal process for a Supplementary Planning Document. The adopted Local Plan policy LP30 (Biodiversity and Geodiversity) which provides the policy basis for this guidance note was appended to the report.


Questions and comments were invited from Panel Members and the following issues were raised:


·         With regard to the draft SPD’s, the Panel welcomed the documents as a means of providing clarity on the planning policies of the Council to residents and applicants.

·         In response to a question concerning sloped sites and winter maintenance, it was explained that the Highways Design Guide deals with the issue of gradients.

·         Members raised the importance of noise insulation being built into architect’s designs.




·         In relation to the consultation period, it was suggested that residents who had recently purchased properties be targeted to gain their experience and views. Furthermore it was suggested that the Place Standard tool be used to pro-actively promote the consultation and reach a wide range of residents across local communities.

·         The role of Councillors, with their local knowledge, was recognised as an important element with regard to Bio diversity offsetting




That the comments and views of the Panel, as set out above, be considered when finalising the draft SPD’s, in advance of the public consultation planned for mid- October 2020.

Supporting documents: