Agenda item

Domestic Abuse Strategic Update

The Committee will receive a report which provides a further update on the development of the Kirklees Domestic Abuse Strategy.



Alexia Gray - Head of Quality Standards and Safeguarding Partnerships


The Committee received a report which provided a further update

on the development of the Kirklees Domestic Abuse Strategy.


Alexia Gray, former Service Manager for Domestic Abuse, was in attendance and gave a presentation which highlighted; the impact of the pandemic; the responses adopted to mitigate this so that services could continue to operate effectively and safely; and the links to the wider strategy including the proposed refresh of the underlying detailed action plan. This work had included the establishment of remote working practices, ensuring robust communication and reporting mechanisms and constant monitoring of data and intelligence.


Questions and comments were invited from Committee Members and the following key issues were covered during discussion:

·       The data was open to interpretation; the 4% increase was within a normal range and could not be attributed to the pandemic with any certainty. The data from the police required further examination in respect of whether there was a different split between the level of 3rd party and direct reports prior to and during lockdown.

·       It had been recognised at an early stage of lockdown that people were using quieter methods to report incidents. The Police had created an online reporting form, the take-up of which had been good, and this facility would now be retained. A live webchat function had also been established in conjunction with the Pennine Domestic Abuse Partnership.

·       Information could be provided to Members in terms of repeat calls. The rates for both victims and perpetrators had been at approximately 30 to 40% for the last 2 to 3 years. This was an issue that would be considered as part of the refresh of the action plan. Addressing it required work in relation to changing behaviours.

·       There was a good stock of appropriate emergency accommodation within Kirklees and there good working relationships with Women’s Aid and the women’s refuge and a strong partnership with housing services for those needing to move on.

·       The impact of the innovative work being undertaken by the IDAAs (Independent Domestic Abuse Advocates) and the police was welcomed. If new methods/systems for reporting were proving to be effective then these should be retained and developed. It was confirmed that funding for the IDAAs to go out with the police would be factored into the main contract from 2021.

·       Consistent and stable funding was needed to allow effective methods to be developed and continued over time rather than intermittent pots of funding that only addressed an issue in the short-term.

·       It was good practice to have ideas for projects in place to facilitate a fast response to potential funding opportunities. A needs assessment and gap analysis was being undertaken and partnership work was taking place, across West Yorkshire, to consider and develop potential projects.

·       Work had progressed in respect of the Place Based Working funding but had stalled due to the pandemic. A report would be submitted to a future meeting to update the Committee on this area of work.




(1) That the update in respect of the 2019-21 Kirklees Domestic Abuse Strategy be noted and that the comments of the Panel be taken into account going forward.


(2) That the work undertaken by the Domestic Abuse Strategic Partnership to mitigate the additional pressures arising from the pandemic be welcomed.


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