Agenda item

Active Travel

To present the current influences on Kirklees Council’s vision for an Active Travel Strategy and the next steps to developing an Active Travel Strategy.


Contact - Tim Lawrence, Transport Strategy and Policy Manager




The Panel received a report setting out details of the current influences on Kirklees Council’s vision for an Active Travel Strategy along with some of the next steps to developing the Strategy.


The report set out the Major Project Team programmes and projects that are underway, and that incorporate walking and cycling provision. In addition, the council has several service areas or teams where cycling as an activity is promoted:


           Development of a school transport strategy

           Road safety team

           Place Partnership Profiles– active travel

           Behaviour Change Work

           E-bike and E-scooter- council fleet of 4 e-bikes and national e-scooter trial (alongside EV and charging points)


It was reported that  there are several additional projects in various stages of investigation or development which have arisen because of planning applications being progressed and funding being secured, from work carried out by partners, e.g. Sustrans or from work the Council is involved in to improve Public Rights of Way or urban paths, including:


           Meltham Greenway

           Calder Valley Greenway- Mirfield extension

           Dalton to Deighton Greenway-Phase 1

           Spen Valley College - Links to Spen Valley Greenway

           Brookroyd Gardens - links to existing cycle route

           Wilton Park Cycle Route

           Spen Valley Greenway - East Extension

           Meltham Greenway - Phase 2

           Town Investment Plan (Dewsbury Town Plan 2021)


              Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) are being developed for the region, to help the Combined Authority and its partner councils prioritise future investment in walking and cycling infrastructure in West Yorkshire, enabling more people to walk and cycle for everyday journeys. LCWIPs will help inform future investment in provision for cycling and walking, and form part of a future connectivity pipeline across all modes of transport serving the Leeds City Region, as well as potentially helping to influence local planning processes. Future investment in walking and cycling, informed by these LCWIPs, will help to deliver the policies and targets of the West Yorkshire Transport Strategy 2040.


John Lewis, Chair of the Kirklees Cycling Campaign, was invited to the meeting to respond the report and input into the item from the Group’s perspective. A copy of the response had been provided Panel members in advance of the meeting.



During discussion of this item, the Panel highlighted the following issues and comments in relation to the development of an active travel strategy:


           There is room for improvement in respect of linkages. It should be a priority to develop linkages outside the major highway construction projects.

           Wider engagement is needed with both the cycling community and non cycling community

           Secure cycle parking and changing facilities are needed to encourage behavioural change.

           There needs to be a balance between connectivity for cars/cyclists and walkers.

           Off road solutions are much more preferable for non cyclists as a means of accessing town centres and avoiding busy main roads



That the comments and views of the Panel be considered as part of the development of an Active Travel Strategy

Supporting documents: