Agenda item

Planning Application - Application No: 2018/92647

Hybrid Planning Application for mixed use development - retail/office and 239 residential units (Use Classes C3/A1/A3/B1a). Full Planning permission for the partial demolition of the former Kirklees College, erection of a food retail store with residential above and erection of two mixed use (retail/residential) buildings, alterations to convert grade ll* listed building to offices and creation of vehicular access from Portland Street, New North Road and Trinity Street. Outline application for erection of four buildings mixed use (residential/office) (Listed Building within a Conservation Area) - Former Kirklees College, New North Road, Huddersfield.


Contact: David Wordsworth


Ward(s) affected: Newsome


Delegate approval of the application and issue of the decision notice to the Head of Planning and Development.


The Committee considered Planning Application 2018/92647, a hybrid application for mixed use development of retail/office and 239 residential units (Use Classes C3/A1/A3/B1a) at the former Kirklees College, New North Road, Huddersfield. Full planning permission for the partial demolition of the former Kirklees College, erection of a food retail store with residential above, erection of two mixed use (retail/residential) buildings, alterations to convert Grade II* listed building to offices and creation of vehicular access from Portland Street, New North Road and Trinity Street. Outline application for erection of four buildings mixed use (residential/office) (Listed Building within a Conservation Area).


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 37, the Committee received a representation from Richard Irving (in support).


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 36 (3) the Committee received a representation from Councillor Susan Lee-Richards. 



(1) That, subject to a review of the design of the food retail store and the imposition of a condition to require the use of natural stone to all elevations of this building, approval of the application and issue of the decision notice be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development in order to complete the list of conditions, including those contained within the Committee report and the update, as set out below:


Full Permission

1.    Time scale for implementation (three years).

2.    Development to be carried out in accordance with approved plans.

3.    Detailed scheme for the conversion Listed Building works (scope of repair and refurbishment).

4.    Approval of samples and details of materials for existing and proposed windows and doors and flooring etc.

5.    Details of fire escapes, replacement ironmongery, fixtures and fittings.

6.    Method statement for stone cleaning.

7.    Details of curtain walling system.

8.    A landscaping plan use of natural stone setts, flags and walling.

9.    Retail store - samples to be submitted walling and roofing materials along with a sample panel of the external masonry, coursing and pointing.

10.Boundary treatments and landscaping scheme.

11.Full Travel Plan required to be submitted.

12.Details to be submitted of highway works required to site frontage.

13.Details to be submitted of surfacing and draining of car parks.

14.Method storage/collection of waste.

15.Details to be submitted subway lighting improvements.

16.Stage 1 safety audit to be submitted.

17.Details to be submitted - closure of existing access points onto highway.

18.Development in accordance with the Bat Survey Report.

19.Ecological Design Strategy (EDS) to be submitted.

20.Hours open for customers and deliveries and dispatches.

21.Details of noise from fixed plant and equipment.

22.Noise Management Plan – Condition.

23.Construction Environmental Management Plan – Condition.

24.Land contamination -conditions.

25.Electric Vehicle Charging Points.

26.Details of external lighting to be submitted.

27.DR01 Drainage Details Scheme - details of foul, surface water and land drainage.

28.DR02 Watercourse Management -intrusive investigation.

29.Surface Water Attenuation Scheme- restricting the rate of surface water.

30.DR08 There shall be no discharge of foul fats oils and grease.

31.DR20 Interceptor surface water vehicle parking and hard standing areas.

32.Land contamination conditions.

33.Detailed landscape plan and long-term management landscape and ecological design (LEDS).

       full planting specification,

       hard landscape materials and boundary treatments.

34.Details of where bin storage & bin collection points are required.

35.A revised full Air Quality Impact Assessment shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority:

       impact that the development will have on air quality

       include a calculation of the monetary damages from the development

       include a fully costed mitigation plan

36.External artificial lighting.

37.Scheme for security measures in the interests of crime prevention.


Outline Permission

1.    Details of the Reserved Matters.

2.    Time limit for submission of Reserved Matters.

3.    Time limit for commencement of development.

4.    Submission of Reserved Matters (layout) broadly in accordance with the

Parameters Plans to a maximum of 197 dwellings.

5.    Full Travel Plan required to be submitted.

6.    Details to be submitted of highway works required to site frontage.

7.    Details to be submitted of surfacing and draining of car parks.

8.    Method storage/collection of waste.

9.    Details to be submitted subway lighting improvements.

10.Stage 1 safety audit to be submitted.

11.Development to be in accordance with the Bat Survey Report.

12.Ecological Design Strategy (EDS) to be submitted.

13.DR01 Drainage Details scheme details of foul, surface water and

land drainage.

14.DR02 Watercourse Management -intrusive investigation.

15.Surface Water Attenuation Scheme- restricting the rate of surface water.

16.DR08 There shall be no discharge of foul fats oils and grease.

17.DR20 Interceptor surface water from vehicle parking and hard standing areas.

18.Development in accordance with noise impact assessment mitigation measures.

19.Land Contamination conditions.

20.Detailed landscape plan and long-term management landscape and ecological design (LEDS):

       full planting specification,

       hard landscape materials and boundary treatments.

21.Details of where bin storage & bin collection points are required.

22.A revised full Air Quality Impact Assessment shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority:

       impact that the development will have on air quality

       include a calculation of the monetary damages from the development

       include a fully costed mitigation plan.

23.External artificial lighting.

24.Scheme for security measures in the interests of crime prevention.


and to secure a Section 106 agreement to cover the following matters:


1.    Arrangements for the future maintenance and management of drainage

infrastructure within the site.

2.    Phasing of the development, including urgent work to the listed building (Building 1,2 & 3) within the first phase.

3.    Overage clause in relation to the costs of the conversion of the listed (Building 1,2 &3).


(2) In the circumstances where the Section 106 agreement has not been completed within 3 months of the date of the Committee’s resolution then the Head of Planning and Development shall consider whether permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the benefits that would have been secured; if so, the Head of Planning and Development be authorised to determine the application and impose appropriate reasons for refusal under delegated powers.


(3) That the Reserved Matters for the outline application be submitted to this Committee.


A Recorded Vote was taken in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42 (5) as follows;

For: Councillors Akhtar, Hall, Sokhal and Walker (4 votes)

Against: Councillors Bellamy, Patrick and Andrew Pinnock (3 votes).


Supporting documents: