Agenda item

Application for Review Hearing under S51 Licensing Act 2003: Woodman Inn, 6 Hartley Street, Dewsbury

To determine the application at 2:00pm.


Contact: Rox Javaid, Licensing Officer, Licensing Service Tel: 01484 221000


The panel resolved that in order to promote the licensing objectives the conditions stipulated by West Yorkshire Police be applied to the licence which should include the following –


a)    The premises shall install and maintain comprehensive digital colour CCTV system to cover all public areas including all public entry and exit points;

b)    A minimum of two SIA Approved door staff to be employed Friday and Saturday night from 20:00 until all customers have left the premises;

c)    A recognised personal Licence Holders Course from the British Institute of Inn Keeping to be completed by the Licensee and DPS;

d)     No persons under the age of 18 years of age to be allowed on the premises after 18:00;

e)    An incident log to be kept at the premises for at least six months and made available on request to relevant authorities;

f)     A full risk assessment to be in place for Covid-19 to a standard approved by Kirklees Environmental Health;

g)    Monitoring visits to be carried out by the relevant authorities







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