Agenda item

Major Transport Schemes - Update

The Panel will be presented with an update on major transport projects being developed by Kirklees Council.




Richard Hollinson, Head of Major Projects

Keith Bloomfield, Major Transport Projects

Andrew Higson, Transforming Cities Fund Programme Lead

Tim Lawrence, Transport Strategy/Policy Group Leader



Richard Hollinson, Head of Major Projects, Keith Bloomfield, Programme Manager, Major Projects, Tim Lawrence, Transport Strategy and Policy Manager and Andrew Higson, Transforming Cities Fund Programme Lead were in attendance to present a report in respect of the major transport schemes being developed in Kirklees.


Also in attendance was Councillor Peter Mcbride, the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration as well as Councillor Nigel Patrick and Councillor Donald Firth who were in attendance to speak under the item in respect of the Holmfirth Town Centre Access Plan on behalf of local shop keepers.


Several representations and submissions were received under the item which the Chair read out on behalf of Kirklees Cycling Campaign, Huddersfield Civic Society, Richard Stow, Sarah Newton, and the Friends of Earth as well summarising the content of a video which was submitted by Hannah Longbottom. All submissions, including a link to the YouTube video,  were circulated in full to the Members of the Panel prior to the meeting.


To follow, Richard Hollinson presented the report on the Major Transport Schemes being developed by Kirklees Council  which set out an update on theoverall aims and objectives of the schemes, the different transportation programmes and their funding sources, the processes to develop the schemes and a  position statement on each transportation project. He also welcomed all the comments made in the submissions and addressed the questions and concerns raised throughout the presentation.


Questions and comments were invited from Panel Members. In relation to the Holmfirth Access Plan, the Panel noted that: 


·       It was important that the location of the Loading Bay did not affect trade to businesses.

·       The Panel wanted to know if the position of the Loading Bay had been considered from a health and safety point of view after hearing shop keepers concerns about carrying heavy deliveries across two lanes of traffic.

·       The opportunity for businesses to have their say was important, and the Panel wanted to know what had been done it terms of holding consultation on the scheme.


In response, Keith Bloomfield, Programme Manager, Major Projects presented a plan showing the proposed changes to be made by the scheme. He advised that:


·       Public consultations had taken place in March 2019 and September 2019 and consultation was held with the business forum in early 2020.

·       The current plans, informed by the consultations and the business engagement forum, intended for the Loading Bay to be located on the South side of Victoria Street.

·       The plans had been analysed from a health and safety point of view.

·       Discussions with ward Councillors about the position of the Loading Bay had taken place recently.

·       The information from these discussions, with the Loading Bay report and details of the travel time benefits, as declared in the Outlined Business Case (OBC), would be provided to Panel Members.


In the discussion to follow the Panel raised a range of issues relating to specific schemes as well as discussing matters in relation to the overarching approach to transport schemes,  such as  the issue of Active Travel, the impacts to the environment, and the importance of public engagement and consultation. The Officers responded as follows:


·       Richard Hollinson confirmed that the Assurance Framework required public consultation at each stage of the process which would be delivered through the WYCA’s communications and consultations teams.

·       He also welcomed the Panels comments regarding Active Travel and advocated the importance of the integration of walking and cycling schemes with Major Transport Schemes.

·       In respect  of the guidance set out in the Department for Transports (Dft) LTN1/20 Cycling Infrastructure Design Standard ( which provides guidance for Local Authorities on designing high quality, safe cycle infrastructure), Richard advised that all Major Transport Schemes were to be reviewed to see where the schemes included in the report could adhere to the guidance.

·       In relation to the Cooper Bridge area, Keith Bloomfield explained that the ancient woodland on Wakefield Road would not be affected by the scheme.

·       Keith also advised that there were plans for public consultation on the preferred option for the scheme to take place in May. 

·       Responding to Panel members questions regarding Victoria street, Keith highlighted that through the Holmfirth Access Plan cycling facilities  were to be provided and would be reviewed against the guidance set out in the LTN1/20.

·       Tim Lawrence, Transport Strategy and Policy Manager, explained that Ward Councillors along the A641 corridor had been contacted regarding public consultation for the scheme and agreed to provide the details of the briefing note following the meeting.

·       In respect of the A629 scheme and what plans were in place to mitigate the felling of mature trees, Richard Hollinson advised that a full tree mitigation plan had been prepared which outlined that around 700 new trees were to be planted, included some semi mature trees, along the A629 corridor.

·       In response to questions about Junction 24A, Tim Lawrence advised currently this did not feature in Highways England’s current five-year Road Investment Strategy (RIS), however Kirklees continued to raise the issue.

·       On the issue of traffic growth and accommodating traffic in the future, Tim explained that all transport schemes were accessed in accordance with the  DfT guidance and that calculations were applied at a Kirklees level taking into account key factors such as population size, housing growth and car ownership as stipulated in the guidance.


To follow Panel Members, raised some further key points and questions as below.


·       The Panel felt that there needed to be more focus on improving transport links in South Kirklees and the valleys. The issue of the Penistone line and transport links out of Kirklees in all directions was also discussed.

·       It was suggested that bus terminuses be located in the outskirts of the district to improve public transport frequency in rural areas.

·       The question was raised about where elected members fit into the consultation process. The Panel felt that it was important to make sure Councillors are involved early on in the process and that more needed to be done to improve engagement with Ward Councillors outside of wider public consultation. 

·       There were concerns about the lack of information about schemes once they were submitted through the Assurance Framework.

·       The Panel advocated the approach to integrate walking and cycling schemes with  transport schemes.


Richard Hollinson and officers present welcomed the Panel comments and the following actions were agreed.




1      The Panel noted the report on the MajorTransport Schemes being developed by Kirklees Council and thanked Richard Hollinson, Keith Bloomfield, Tim Lawrence and Andrew Higson for the update.

2      It was agreed that the report regarding the Loading Bay and information on travel time benefits in relation to the Holmfirth Access Plan would be provided to ward Councillors.

3      It was agreed that the briefing note regarding consultation with ward councillors on the A641 scheme be provided to the Panel.

4      It was agreed to make improvements to the process of engaging with ward Councillors in respect of transport schemes.  

5      In relation to improving bus travel, it was agreed that the Panel’s suggestions, including the introduction of bus terminuses in rural areas and access to funding be put forward  through the West Yorkshire Consultation , and for the outcomes of the discussions to be provided to the Panel.

6      It was agreed that more focus on improving and investing in  transport infrastructure in South Kirklees and in rural parts of the district should be  considered in future strategies.

7      It was agreed that improving transport links from Kirklees to North and South Yorkshire would be considered in future strategies. 

8      It was agreed that ways of sharing information, and the accessibility of information, would be considered in relation to schemes submitted through the Assurance Framework.

Supporting documents: