Agenda item

Planning Application - No. 2019/93658

Erection of 122 dwellings, landscaping and associated infrastructure - Land at Whitechapel Road, Cleckheaton.


Contact Officer: Christopher Carroll


Ward(s) affected: Cleckheaton


Delegate approval of the application and issue of the decision notice to the Head of Planning and Development.


The Committee considered Planning Application 2019/93658 relating to the erection of 122 dwellings, landscaping and associated infrastructure on land at Whitechapel Road, Cleckheaton.


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 37, the Committee received representations from Val Dickinson (in objection); Mark Jones and Paul Butler (in support).


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 36 (3) the Committee received a representation from Councillor Martyn Bolt.



That approval of the application and issue of the decision notice be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development in order to complete the list of conditions, including those contained within the Committee report and the Planning Update, as set out below:


1.    Three years to commence development.

2.    Development to be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.

3.    Approval of building and external materials.

4.    Full details of hard and soft landscaping including a detailed planting schedule. Proposals should accord with the principles set out in the Ecus Ltd Tree Mitigation Strategy.

5.    Full details of boundary treatments within and around the site (including the protection and enhancement of the existing stone wall feature at Whitechapel Road).

6.    Measures to prevent and deter crime and anti-social behaviour.

7.    Submission of details as to the provision, agreement, implementation and retention of appropriate Public Right of Way (PRoW) provision and treatment.

8.    Submission of details of the proposed PRoW, including cross and long sections, constructional and details for public access.

9.    Submission of details regarding the path on site north of the Priory Public House, how it meets and works with the estate road layout.

10. Submission of details as to the provision, agreement, implementation and retention of scheme regarding safety of public footpath and users during and after construction.

11. Submission and implementation of a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP)

12. Submission of details securing biodiversity enhancement and net gain.

13. Construction Ecological Management Plan (CEMP)

14. Development to be carried out in accordance with the submitted arboricultural method statement.

15. Full details of works within 15 metres of the Highway England boundary, including geotechnical and/or structural submissions of works that impose additional load or influence on the existing banking, gantry or boundary treatment.

16. Construction details of retaining features adjacent to the highway.

17. Construction details of surface water attenuation features within the highway footprint.

18. Submission of further acoustic barrier details as outlined in SLR report.

19. Implementation of the agreed noise mitigation measures detailed in SLR report.

20. Submission of details showing ventilation of habitable rooms if windows need to be kept closed.

21. Accordance with the M62 Separation Distance Buffer Zone, this is to be retained thereafter and no dwelling of any kind is to be sited within the 12.25m air quality buffer zone.

22. Reporting of Unexpected Contamination.

23. Verification Report for any imported topsoil.

24. Details of the dedicated facilities that will be provided for charging electric vehicles and other ultra-low emission vehicles.

25. Submission of a construction management plan/s to mitigate the impact of construction on highway safety and amenity, with due regard to potential impacts on the M62 J26 and consultation with key neighbour representatives.

26. Submission of internal road details (full sections, drainage works, street lighting, signing, surface finishes and the treatment of sight lines, together with an independent safety audits)

27. Measures to manage parking to manage parking on Whitechapel Road to either side of the proposed access and all associated works, together with appropriate road safety audits.

28. Submission of a residential full travel plan.

29. The site shall be developed with separate systems of drainage for foul and surface water on and off site.

30. Measures to protect the public sewerage infrastructure within the site boundary shall be provided and agreed before implementation

31. Provision of site entrance and visibility splays prior to works commencing.

32. Provision of temporary waste storage and collection during construction.

33. Submission of details showing offsite drainage works.

34. Submission of detailed design and details of the drainage works. Finalised plans for site drainage must not connect into or impact on Strategic Road Network drainage systems.

35. Submission of fully worked up drainage design with long sections.

36. Submission of details to manage any volumes up to 1 in 100 year plus climate change specifically the flooding noted in microdrainage calculations at the head of systems.

37. Submission of details requiring drainage management and maintenance agreement.

38. Submission of temporary drainage works information and management and maintenance during construction phase.

39. The site shall be developed with separate systems of drainage for foul and surface water on and off site.

40. Submission of measures to protect the public sewerage infrastructure that is laid within the site boundary and subsequent implementation of such measures.



and to secure a Section 106 agreement to cover the following matters:


1.    Affordable housing – 24 affordable housing units (tenure split to be 20 units would be discount for sale and 4 units would be for social or affordable rent) to be provided in perpetuity.

2.    Open space – Off-site contribution of £71, 397 to address shortfalls in specific open space typologies.

3.    Education – Off-site contribution of £470,709, based on 122 dwellings to be spent on upon priority admission area schools within the geographical vicinity of this site to be determined. Payments would be made in instalments and on a pre-occupation basis, per phase. Instalment schedule to be agreed.

4.    Junction monitoring – Off-site contribution of £10,500 for 5no. Bluetooth journey time detectors at the Whitechapel Road / A638 Bradford Road / Hunsworth Lane Traffic Signal-Controlled Junction.

5.    Core walking and cycle network improvements – Off-site contribution of £20,000 towards the improvement of a link between the site and the Spen Valley Greenway.

6.    Bus stop improvements - £23,000 towards the provision of a bus shelter and real time information to bus stops on Whitechapel Road.

7.    Sustainable transport – Measures to encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport, including implementation of a Travel Plan and £10,000 towards Travel Plan monitoring and a sustainable travel fund of £62,403.

8.    Off-site Biodiversity Net Gain requirements – Contribution (amount to be confirmed) towards off-site measures to achieve biodiversity net gain.

9.    Multi-modal link route to be delivered between the proposed estate road and the boundary of the application site, adjacent to plots 83-87.

10.Management – The establishment of a management company for the management and maintenance of any land not within private curtilages or adopted by other parties, and of infrastructure (including surface water drainage until formally adopted by the statutory undertaker).


In the circumstances where the Section 106 agreement has not been completed within 3 months of the date of the Committee’s resolution then the Head of Planning and Development shall consider whether permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the benefits that would have been secured; if so, the Head of Planning and Development be authorised to determine the application and impose appropriate reasons for refusal under delegated powers.


A Recorded Vote was taken in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42 (5) as follows;


For: Councillors Bellamy, Hall, Patrick, Pattison, Sokhal and Walker (6 votes)

Against: Councillor Andrew Pinnock (1 vote)

Supporting documents: