Agenda item

Staying Put Fostering Policy

The Board will consider the refreshed Staying Put Fostering Policy Cabinet Report.




Lisa Warnes – Programme Manager, Children’s Improvement Team

Elaine McShane – Service Director, Family Support and Child Protection



The Board considered a report setting out the refreshed Staying Put Policy presented by Elaine McShane, Service Director - Family Support and Child Protection who highlighted the following key points:


·       All Local Authorities were required to set out how they will operate a Staying Put scheme. The refreshed policy set out the arrangements in Kirklees for Care Leavers aged 18 and above to continue living with their foster families.

·       The report was approved by Cabinet on 27th July 2021 and was well received.

·       There was strong national evidence to support that young people’s life chances are improved when remaining in a supportive family home post 18.

·       The policy set out an improved support and financial offer which reflected the importance of Staying Put Carers and the role they play in equipping young people with the emotional confidence and practical skills needed to live independently, whilst they remain living in a supportive family home.

·       A key priority was to make sure no Staying Put Carers were financially worse off and there were a number measures included in the policy to mitigate the issue of Staying Put Carers experiencing a detrimental financial impact through their benefits being reduced.

·       The service was to work with existing Staying Put Carers and young people living these arrangements to communicate changes on a one to one basis to ensure support in relation to financial impact queries.

·       A simplified guide to Staying Put will be produced aimed at Foster Carers and young people who may be considering Staying Put for their future together.

·       Regular updates on progress and the impact/outcomes as a result of implementing the policy will be scheduled in the forward plan and provided to Corporate Parenting Board


The Board noted the refreshed Staying Put Policy report and welcomed its arrival. In the discussion to follow the Board highlighted the importance of viewing Staying Put Carers as the continuation of family to young people and that the language used when engaging with Staying Put Carers should reflect this. The Board also suggested that an event should be held with tax advisors for staying put foster carers to help them understand the changes.  Elaine McShane agreed with the Boards comments advising that advice on tax could be included in the formal launch. It was also explained that some work was being undertaken to improve language to reflect that Staying Put Carers are family.


A question was asked around backdated payments. Elaine McShane responded to advise that the current understanding was that changes to payment would take affect from the date when the policy was approved by Cabinet, but agreed to check the information.


Responding to a question around reviewing and measuring the success of the refreshed policy, Elaine McShane advised that it was important not to wait for a formal review to make improvements where there was delegated authority to do so, but reassured the Board that any changes would be made in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and that the Board would also be briefed of any changes made or proposed. There were also plans to conduct a formal review alongside this in 6 months.


RESOLVED: The Board noted the contents of the Staying Put Fostering Policyreport, and it was agreed that:


1.    Information regarding backdated payments be provided to the Board.

2.    That any changes made or proposed be reported to the Corporate Parenting Board following consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.

Supporting documents: