The Committee will consider a report which seeks input in respect of the approach and work undertaken to develop a VCSE Investment Strategy for Kirklees,
Noreen Abbas – Community Investment Manager
Diane Sims – Engagement and Communications Lead for Democracy
Noreen Abbas - Community Investment Manager presented a report which sought the Committee’s input in respect of the approach and work undertaken to develop a VCSE Investment Strategy for Kirklees,
Hilary Thompson the chair of Kirklees Third Sector Leaders, Diane Sims – Engagement and Communications Lead for Democracy, Helen Orlic, the external consultant in respect of the strategy and Vina Randhawa - Active Citizens and Places Manager were also in attendance to answer questions.
Questions and comments were invited from Committee Members, with the following issues being covered:
• In respect of lesser involvement from certain areas in Kirklees in the development of the strategy and the potential impact of this on ownership; whilst this point was accepted it was believed that the engagement and events had been open to a wide variety of people and organisations, although perhaps the timing had been an issue. The engagement was still ongoing and it was considered that people would become more involved as interest increased and this would help achieve wider ownership. It had been advertised through a number of channels, including the Third Sector Leaders (TSL), but the difficulties of including smaller organisations were acknowledged in terms of capacity and time to take part. Feedback had been provided to keep them up to date with the emerging themes.
• In relation to information on Council grant funding opportunities, the data was crucial and linked back to how success was measured, the data was currently being collated and the aim was to have all contracts and funding information before Christmas. In terms of the reach to BAME communities; a threefold engagement had been undertaken using TSL’s contacts and social media, the Council’s Community Directory links and the Third Sector Team’s contacts. Contacts made through grant funding would also be used and contact with local elected members. Work was also being undertaken on a Community Champions project which would achieve a wider reach into BAME communities and would help in informing the development of a network and how better connections could be ensured and support provided.
• It was stressed that there needed to be a better understanding of communities and a focus on building capacity and ensuring sustainability. It was confirmed that this was also the aim of the sector so that groups were not reliant on sources of grant funding.
• There needed to be a strong focus on understanding if all demographics were covered and expanding reach among all communities across all sectors. Diversity of ownership was very important.
• The TSL Board involved a wide variety of people, including members of different communities and the Board played a role at West Yorkshire level in respect of equality, diversity and inclusion.
• In respect of external funding and improvements to the levels coming into Kirklees, it was considered that knowledge of what was available, across the communities at all levels, was critical alongside the capacity; time, resource and skills, to apply, particularly for the larger grants. Increasing the support to assist in writing bids would help, there was no shortage of ideas, the challenge fell in framing these to meet funders requirements. Eventually it was anticipated that the skills and experience imparted to undertake such tasks would then transfer into the organisation.
• Councillors had been emailed in relation to the current survey but it was accepted that more proactive engagement was needed going forward. This could assist in identifying gaps in knowledge about organisations. Councillors would be briefed in advance of surveys going live and briefings had been offered to groups in respect of the development of the strategy to date.
• It was suggested that ongoing involvement of Ward Councillors to ensure coverage across Kirklees would be helpful.
• Sustainability was a key consideration and a community building support network could be a source of information but also peer support; leading to the sector helping itself and bringing in experts or specialists as and when needed to increase knowledge within the group; this would become self-sustaining.
That account be taken of the points raised by the Committee in the development of the Kirklees Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Investment Strategy including:
• Reach across communities.
• Better understanding of communities and covering all demographics.
• Communication and engagement with Ward Councillors.
• Understanding about funding and how people can find out what available
• Sustainability of the Strategy and actions.
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