Agenda item

Kirklees Looked After Children Annual Health Report

The Board will consider the Kirklees Looked After Children Annual Health Report for April 2020 to March 2021.




Gill Addy, Designated Nurse for Looked After Children


The Board considered the Kirklees Looked After Children Annual Health Report 2020-21 presented by Gill Addy, Designated Nurse for Looked After Children who highlighted that:


·       The main body of the report was based on the local activity, during the time frame 1st April 2020 – 31st March 2021.

·       The report outlined the work that had taken place in the Looked After Children’s Health Team and provided assurance that the Clinical Commissioning Groups were fulfilling their statutory responsibilities.

·       The report commenced at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of which altered the provision and practice usually delivered.

·       The key performance indicators were difficult to achieve due to practice changes, but the Initial Health Assessments (IHA’s) remained excellent at an average 98% in timescales.

·       Due to clinic closures, IHA’s were completed virtually by telephone throughout the year, with face-to-face appointments taking place if they were necessary, in a hospital setting.

·       An Audit (to identify the communication pathways, health needs and potential impact on services for looked after children originating from other authorities who are accommodated in Kirklees) had taken place.

·       Results of the key lines of enquiry were that there was a statutory process in place to share information from local authorities to health agencies, but limited information from the originating area delayed the process.

·       The Health Outcome Audit was undertaken, to identify the health needs of children as they entered care at their IHA and then a comparison was made of their health status at their first review health assessment (RHA).

·       The timeframe used was February 2019 to July 2020 and the aim was to provide an opportunity to illustrate positive health outcomes for children, who enter the care of the local authority and to develop a tool to support the general assessment process.

·       Key statics in relation to the health needs of the 325 children entering care which included 65 children who required a catch up of one or more immunisations, 143 children who had no dental registration and 29 had a registration but had not been taken, 52 children had chronic health conditions and 65 children had recognised emotional wellbeing issues but were not receiving intervention.

·       Once the child came into care, they would be set on a journey to have any health needs identified addressed.

·       At the RHA, the tool was used to identify what difference had been made since the IHA.

·       There was a maximum cohort of 86 children, who had stayed in care until 1st RHA.

·       Of this cohort, 8 of the 10 children with outstanding immunisations when they entered care had caught up and 1 child was on a reduced schedule.

·       All children engaged or re-engaged with dental services and there was a 100% improvement for those over 5 years old.

·       All 8 children identified at IHA with a growth issue had improved, 20 saw their physical health improve and 6 children with development and learning issues were referred to services and 8 were re-referred.

·       20 children had been referred to services following non-engagement with emotional wellbeing support, or they were referred from the IHA.

·       The outcome showed that the tool could be used to provide key data about the health needs of children entering care and comparative data to show what difference was made by the time of their RHA.

·       The use of the tool was now embedded into practice going forwards and could be used to provide such data at any opportunity. 


In response the Board expressed thanks to health care staff for their commitment to their work throughout the pandemic, commenting that the work carried out was positive and reassuring. The Board also highlighted that exceptional effort had been made to undertake review and audit work alongside the additional challenges posed throughout the pandemic.


Gill Addy noted the Boards comments but further highlighted the importance of protecting staff and specialist staff wellbeing during difficult times.


RESOLVED: The Board noted the Kirklees Looked After Children Annual Health Report 2020-21

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