Agenda item

Planning Application - Application No: 2021/92946

Demolition of Holmfirth Market Hall, extension and redevelopment of existing Huddersfield Road Car Park to include improvements to the existing vehicular entrance point on the A6024, the creation of a new vehicular access point onto the A6024, the creation of a new widened pedestrian bridge over the River Holme and associated landscaping, lighting and drainage works (within a Conservation Area) Huddersfield Road Car Park and Holmfirth Market Hall, Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth.


Contact officer: Stuart Howden, Planning Services.


Ward(s) affected: Holme Valley South


Delegate to the Head of Planning and Development to approve as detailed in the considered report subject to additional condition to secure a scheme of details for the provision of an improved access to the River Holme for maintenance of the river.


The Sub Committee gave consideration to Planning Application 2021/92946 Demolition of Holmfirth Market Hall, extension and redevelopment of existing Huddersfield Road Car Park to include improvements to the existing vehicular entrance point on the A6024, the creation of a new vehicular access point onto the A6024, the creation of a new widened pedestrian bridge over the River Holme and associated landscaping, lighting and drainage works (within a Conservation Area)Huddersfield Road Car Park and Holmfirth Market Hall, Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth.


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 37 the Sub Committee received representations from Richard Ashley, Margaret Dale, Steve Davie, Liz Heywood, Michael Bell (in support), Jonathan Standen (agent) and Andy Raleigh and Chris Cotton (on behalf of the applicant).


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 36 (3) the Sub Committee received representations from Councillors Paul Davies, Donald Firth and Nigel Patrick (ward members).




1.    Delegate approval of the application and the issuing of the decision notice to the Head of Planning and Development in order to complete the list of conditions including those contained within the considered report including:


1. Development shall be begun within three years of the date of the permission.

2. Development to be in complete accordance with plans and specifications (unless specified otherwise).

3. Submission of samples of stone to be used in stone walling (prior to the commencement of development above slab level).

4. Submission of details of coping of stone walls including samples (prior to commencement of development above slab level).

5. Notwithstanding the surfacing details submitted with the application, submission of full details of surfacing materials including samples (prior to the commencement of development, but excluding the demolition of the Holmfirth Market Hall building).

6. Notwithstanding the railings adjacent Huddersfield Road displayed in the submitted plans, submission of full design details of the means of enclosure adjacent to Huddersfield Road, including height, siting and materials. The means of enclosure should not exceed a height of 0.9 metre above the level of the adjoining highway and sightlines of 2.4 m x 43 metres shall be cleared of all other obstructions and shall be retained free of any such obstructions (prior to commencement of development above slab level).

7. Submission of full design details of street furniture, including bollards, seating, bins, bike stands and planters (prior to the installation of street furniture).

8. Submission of full design details of the utility box/GRP Enclosure (prior to the

commencement of the installation of the utility box/GRP Enclosure).

9. Soft landscaping of the site in accordance with Planting Plan (Dwg No. HD/25/64051/GL-PR-LAP-04). The approved planting shall be planted during the first planting season following completion of the development hereby approved, and from its completion be maintained for a period of five years.

10.The car park shall be laid out and marked out into bays in accordance with the approved plans (prior to the site being brought into use).

11.Submission of details of ingress and egress signage, which shall be signed ‘In’ and ‘Out’, including location and appearance (prior to the site being brought into use).

12.Submission of scheme detailing surface water drainage, including maintenance and management plan for surface water infrastructure (prior to commencement of development).

13.Submission of assessments of the effects of 1 in 100 year storm events, with an additional allowance for climate change, blockage scenarios and exceedance events, on drainage infrastructure and surface water run-off pre and post development between the development and the surrounding area in both directions (Prior to commencement of development).

14.Submission of scheme demonstrating surface water from vehicle parking and hard standing areas passing through an oil/petrol interceptor of adequate capacity (prior to commencement of development, and subject to option 2 within the FRA be used (traditional with oil separator).

15.Development in accordance with FRA, drawings HD/25/64051/GL-LAP-05,

HD/25/64051/GL-LAP-06, HD/25/64051/GL-02 Rev K and HD/25/64051/GA-01 and mitigation measures detailed (mitigation measures implemented prior to the site being brought into use).

16.Submission of scheme detailing the proposed design and construction details for the new widened footbridge including any modifications to the river retaining wall supporting Hollowgate (prior to the commencement of development).

17.Submission of a Phase II Intrusive Site Investigation Report (prior to commencement of development).

18.Submission of a Remediation Strategy if remediation is recommended in the Phase II Intrusive Site Investigation Report (prior to commencement of development).

19.Implementation of the approved Remediation Strategy.

20.Submission of Validation Report (prior to the site being brought into use).

21.Development in accordance with measures outlined within the Biodiversity

Measurement Plan by Brookes Ecological dated 23rd July 2021 (ref: ER-5108-03) (prior to the site being brought into use) and riparian planting displayed in the planting plan (Dwg No. HD/25/64051/GL-PR-LAP-04) (riparian planting shall be planted during the first planting season following completion of the development hereby approved).

22.3 electric vehicle recharging points with a continuous supply of at least 16A to 32A shall be installed within the car park hereby approved (to be installed and ready to use prior to the site being brought into use).

23.Submission of Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) (prior to commencement of development).

24.Submission of Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) (prior to commencement of development).

25.External lighting shall be installed in accordance with the details provided in the Lighting Strategy by Kirklees Council dated 30th July 2021 (ref: 30/7/2021) (prior to the site being brought into use).

2.    An additional condition to secure a scheme of details for the provision of an improved access to the River Holme for maintenance of the river.


A recorded vote was taken in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42(5) as follows:


For: Councillors: Homewood, Kaushik, Marchington, Sarwar, Sokhal, Ullah, Uppal and Lyons (8 votes).


Against: Councillors: Armer, Bellamy and McGuin (3 votes).


Abstained: Councillor Lee-Richards.

Supporting documents: