Agenda item

Objection to the proposed permit parking and "no waiting at any time" restrictions on Luck Lane, Huddersfield.

To consider one objection received to the double yellow lines and consequently the remaining space for the permit parking bay.


Ken Major - Principal Engineer

Wendy Blakeley - Strategic Director – Highways and Streetscene




The Committee considered one objection received during the formal advertising period to the proposed permit parking and “no waiting at any time” restrictions on Luck Lane, Huddersfield


RESOLVED: That the objection be upheld, and thatthe scheme be deferred until further consultation with residents.


The Committee considered a report presented by Ken Major, Principal Engineer – Environment Services, in respect of one objection received to the double yellow lines, and consequently the remaining space for the permit parking bay, on Luck Lane, Huddersfield.


An application was made by the residents of Luck Lane for the introduction of a residents only permit parking bay outside their properties to help with the problem of parking due to people visiting and working in the shops on New Hey Road and the mill building on Luck Lane. The application was approved and in addition to this, new sections of double yellow line restrictions were included in the scheme to prevent any displaced parking in unsafe locations such as around the various accesses off Luck Lane.


The traffic regulation order was advertised in the local press, notices were placed on site and on the Councils website.  The objection period covered 20 August 2021 to 20 September 2021, during which time 1 objection was received.


The Objector, David Richardson was in attendance and was invited by the Chair to explain their reasons for the objection. The Committee were informed that the objection related mainly to the double yellow line’s element of the scheme, due to the consequent shortening of the available parking area.  The Objector highlighted that ‘Keep clear markings’ were a preferred alternative measure for Luck Lane. It was further requested, if possible, that the Committee direct highways to revisit the scheme as residents felt that the proposed scheme no longer met their needs.


Ken Major responded to advise that ‘Keep Clear Markings’ were partially effective, but there was opportunity to implement double yellow lines and those parking restrictions would be enforceable by Kirklees’s own enforcement team. Whilst accepting that this would shorten the available parking, the double yellow lines alongside the permit scheme would guarantee a degree of parking. In accordance with guidance in the highway code the 10-metre length would be required to achieve visibility from the accesses, and to prevent parking too near too them. 


The Committee confirmed that in the officers view the double yellow lines were necessary for the scheme to be implemented. Ken Major confirmed and added that to amend the scheme, a new order with new information would need to be formally advertised.


The Committee further highlighted that the scheme safeguarded the visibility and ensured enforcement opportunities but did acknowledge that there was always an element of compromise required when implementing new schemes.


Upon hearing the Committee and officers’ comments, the objector advised that residents of Luck Lane may prefer not to have a permit parking scheme. This was supported by a petition signed by residents of Luck Lane which was submitted to the Committee (under item 5) supporting the objection to the proposed double yellow lines and by alliance the parking permit scheme which included them.


The Committee felt that the decision to implement the scheme or not should be made following further consultation with residents highlighting that the scheme was requested by residents, and therefore it was important to get it right.


Karen North Principal Technical Officer, Highways and Streetscene agreed that further consultation was to be held with affected residents that set out clear details of the scheme and asked again if the resident was in favour of the scheme or not. The details of the consultation would then be presented to the Cabinet.


Having considered the information presented both verbally and in writing the committee:


RESOLVED: Agreed that the scheme be deferred until further consultation be held with residents and that the details of the consultation should be provided to the Cabinet.

Supporting documents: