Agenda item

Update on the Role of the Corporate Parent

David Shepherd, Strategic Director for Growth and Regeneration will attend to present a verbal update on the Role of the Corporate Parent.


Contact: David Shepherd, Strategic Director for Growth and Regeneration


The Board considered a verbal update on the Role of the Corporate Parent within the directorate for Environment and Climate Change presented by Colin Parr, Strategic Director for Environment and Climate Change. It was explained that:


·         The Directorate was split across 3 areas, Environmental Strategy and Climate Change, Highways and Street Scene and Culture and Visitor Economy.

·         The Directorate was the largest in the Authority and could provide a role in supporting Care Leavers into work i.e., supported apprenticeships, work experience placements etc.

·         The Climate Youth Festival was an upcoming event which could provide potential opportunities for Children Looked After.

·         Celebrating the Year of Music was a large initiative which could also provide opportunities for Children Looked After.


The Board noted the update and were invited to ask questions. In the discussion to follow the Board highlighted the need to improve access to early work and training opportunities for Care leavers as only 54% of young people were in education or jobs, meaning that the remaining 46% were missing out. The Board welcomed the information in relation to supporting Care Leavers into work through supported apprenticeships and work experience placements but questioned how Foster Carers would be made aware of any upcoming opportunities.


In response, Colin Parr asked whether there was a thematic jobs fair for Care Leavers and suggested that the Directorate could help to develop an event for this purpose as a way of sharing information about the opportunities available. The Board advised that C & K Careers worked individually with children and young people to improve access to opportunities, but there was no targeted jobs fair for Children Looked After and Care Leavers and agreed that consideration should be given to developing an annual event for this purpose delivered by both the Authority and key partner organisations.


The Board also highlighted that information about upcoming opportunities should be circulated to Foster Carers and the Fostering Network that the Year of Music would be a fantastic opportunity for Children Looked After to be invited to showcase their talents.


Jo-Anne Sanders, Service Director – Learning and Early Support agreed that the Year of Music could provide new opportunities for young people and advised that additional capacity had been sourced for the event. Consideration was also being given to linking in with, and engaging key stake holders.


The Board raised a question in relation to job opportunities and if they could be mentioned in the Personal Educational Plans (PEP’s).


Louise Hallas, Virtual School Team Manager responded and advised that job opportunities were mentioned in PEP’s when the young person was suitable, and it was the right step for them. Louise also advised that in years ten and eleven the young person was seen by C & K Careers to discuss their interests and opportunities.


The Board noted the update on the Directorate for Environment and Climate Change’s role as Corporate Parent and thanked Colin Parr for his attendance. It was agreed that:



1.    An update on the Climate Youth Festival, the environmental sustainability strategy and engaging Looked after Children and Care leavers in its development be provided to a future meeting of the Board.

2.    That consideration be given to developing an annual Careers Fair for Looked After Children and Care Leavers. 

3.    Information about upcoming work and training opportunities should be circulated to Foster Carers and the Fostering Network.

4.    Children Looked After should be invited to showcase their talents through the Year of Music Festival.