Agenda item

Children's Scrutiny Work Programme 2022-23

The Panel will consider the proposed areas of focus and activity for the 2022/23 municipal year and discuss the method and means to be used to continue the Panel’s work going forward.       


The Panel considered the work programme for the 2022-23 municipal year. 


Pre-decision scrutiny

Councillor Marchington advised that pre-decision scrutiny would be discussed at every meeting and updates given by Senior Officers or Cabinet Members on items on the horizon for decision by Cabinet.



The Panel noted that slides and data on performance from the Ambition Board would be considered by the Panel as a standard item and that questions on the data would be sought from Panel Members prior to the meetings of the Panel and that these questions could also be submitted to the Corporate Parenting Board for consideration.


Sufficiency for Children’s Service

The Panel had noted in some visits to social care teams that there was a shortage of social workers at both a local and national level and Kirklees had made a decision not to use agency staff at the moment.  Elaine McShane advised that different options were being looked at with Jo-Anne Sanders as an interim solution, for example, different types of practitioners could work with families not just social workers and officers would be looking at roles within teams to test some of this out.  The Panel agreed to consider further information on the different approaches being considered regarding improving sufficiency and resources for children’s social care and also retention packages for social workers.  The Panel also agreed that they could monitor this issue during visits and ask appropriate questions.


Elaine McShane advised that since 2016 there had been a significant improvement to stability in the management part of the workforce and that the right wrap around support was in place in terms of development opportunities and supervision.  The Panel was advised that the average casework for social workers was now around 17 cases and 4 to 5 years ago caseloads were at an average of 35.  Elaine McShane further explained that it was important that social workers felt supported and wanted to stay at Kirklees.


The Panel noted that a visit would be arranged to the Healds Road Children’s Home during the 22-23 municipal year.


Changes to YPAT

Panel Members noted that further information would be brought to the Panel planned for September 2022 on the changes to the Young Peoples Activity Team (YPAT) and asked that Members of the Panel report back on what was happening in their wards on this.  A question was raised by the Panel relating to the lack of after school activities in some wards and how quickly this would come into practice and who would govern this, would it be the local communities, schools or the Council.  The Panel noted that a report would be submitted for consideration at their September meeting and asked that it include details of what was happening in the local wards on after school activities.


SEND and High Needs

Councillor Marchington advised that he had recently met with PCAN to discuss opportunities to meet with parents to seek feedback on their experiences of accessing the service.  The Panel noted that visits to drop-in sessions with parents at PCAN had been scheduled to take place in September 2022 and information had been circulated to members of the Panel.  


Outcome of SEND Inspection

The Panel noted that a report would be scheduled for consideration in September 2022.


Outcome of the Joint Area Targeted Inspection

The Panel agreed to consider a report on the Outcome of the Multi-Agency Joint Area Targeted Inspection to the September or October Panel meeting.  Elaine McShane advised the Panel that the inspection had covered sexual and criminal exploitation and that the Ofsted letter was due to be published at end of August 2022. 



The Panel noted the Work Programme and agenda plan for 2022-23 and agreed:

1.    That the Panel submit questions on the performance information prior to Panel meetings which could be shared with officers beforehand;

2.    That the Panel agreed to consider further information on the different approaches being considered regarding improving sufficiency and resources for children’s social care and also retention packages for social workers. 

3.    That the Panel consider a report on the changes to the YPAT provision in September 2022 that would include an update on what was happening in the local wards on after school activities.

4.    That Members of the Panel try and attend one of the drop-in sessions at PCAN in September and notify the Governance Officer which date they wished to attend.

5.    That the Panel consider a report in either September or October 2022 on the outcome of the Multi-Agency Joint Area Targeted Inspection.

Supporting documents: