Agenda item

Application for order to extinguish part of public footpath Denby Dale 82 at Top O' Th' Close, Longroyd Lane, Upper Cumberworth

To consider an application for an order to extinguish part of public footpath Denby Dale 82 on the grounds that it is not needed for public use. The Sub Committee are asked to make a decision on making the order and seeking its confirmation.


Contact: Phil Champion, Definitive Map Officer, Public Rights of Way


Ward affected: Denby Dale



RESOLVED – That approval be given to Option 4 (as set out at paragraph 2.8 of the report) and that authority be delegated to the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to make and seek confirmation of an order under Section 118 of the Highways Act 1980, without actively supporting the confirmation of the opposed Order.

Supporting documents: