Agenda item

Affordable Housing and Housing Mix Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPD)

The Panel will consider the Draft Affordable Housing and Housing Mix SPD

John Buddle, Team Leader Planning Policy




The Panel welcomed John Buddle, Team Leader – Policy and Planning Team to give a presentation to support the item Affordable Housing and Housing Mix Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPD). Mr Buddle was joined by Steven Wright, Planning Policy and Strategy  Group Leader and Mr Richardson.


Mr Buddle explained that he sought to give the Panel an early insight into the contents of the draft SPD document and also to provide information about the timeline for next steps and the public consultation.


The Panel was advised that the draft SPD provided guidance on the implementation of the Kirklees Local Plan Housing Mix and Affordable Housing Policy, which was appended to the report, and sought to ensure provision of affordable housing in new housing developments ensuring that the housing mix met local need.


The Panel noted that the SPD would be used as a material planning consideration when securing affordable housing as part of the determination of planning applications. 


Mr Buddle explained to the Panel that the draft SPD had been prepared with a view to consulting on it in Autumn 2022, with a Cabinet decision anticipated late 2022 or early 2023. The document had also been subject to critical friend review by Leeds City Council and the approach was viewed positively with minor suggested inclusions to reflect recent issues that Leeds had experienced.


Mr Buddle shared the presentations which gave further information as follows:


·       The draft SPD was subject to consultation but not an Examination in Public.

·       Kirklees would require 20% affordable housing on all qualifying developments of more than 10 dwellings.

·       The sub areas within Kirklees were (i) Batley and Spen, (ii) Dewsbury and Mirfield, (iii) Huddersfield North, (iv) Huddersfield South, (v) Kirklees Rural East and (vi) Kirklees Rural West.

·       Principle 1: Market Housing Mix (increased level of detail than the existing SPD).

·       Principle 2: Approach to affordable housing calculations (Existing SPD


·       Principle 3: Affordable Housing types and Mix (increased level of detail

than existing SPD).

·       Principle 4: First Homes, Starter Homes and Discounted Market Sale (New section).

·       Principle 5: Design (Existing SPD refresh).

·       Principle 6: Affordable housing delivery (Existing SPD refresh).

·       Principle 7: Transfer Values (Existing SPD refresh and updating evidence).

·       Principle 8: Provision of affordable homes off-site (Existing SPD refresh).

·       Principle 9: Town Centres (New section to the SPD).

·       Principle 10: Huddersfield Town Centre (New section to the SPD)

·       Principle 11: Dewsbury Town Centre (New section to the SPD)


The Panel noted the presentation and the Chair invited questions from Members.  The Panel welcomed the finer detail that would appear within the draft SPD but felt that further clarity was needed around the concern, often voiced by residents, that the type of housing being built in a community was not necessarily the type of housing that was needed.


Mr Buddle explained that the local plan was the evidence basis on which further detail could be found around housing types for communities.  Mr Buddle also advised the Panel that a consultant had been employed who had, via a survey, set out an evidence base which looked at the demand required over time, where people wanted to live and where they saw themselves living in the future. 


In response to a question from the Panel regarding how the principles would be updated over time given the type of home required evolved over time, particularly if the government brought in different housing initiatives, Mr Buddle explained that the Principles would be kept up to date through annual monitoring that they collated through planning applications.


The Panel commented that they were pleased to see a focus on town centres within the document given the large growth in student accommodation, which was largely one bedroom and not a combination of different units.


Mr Buddle explained in a response to a comment relating to engagement with Members, that all councillors would be e-mailed at the start of the consultation, but he would go directly to Planning Committee Members for feedback, given their unique position and experience of planning.


In response to a question from the Panel, Mr Buddle explained that the consultation process would tease out some of the changing requirements in housing, for example did the ability to work from home in an office override the need for an additional bedroom.


The Panel voiced their frustrations at developers who reneged on their duties in relation to Section 106 monies and might not use their best endeavours to achieve the objectives of providing affordable housing. Mr Buddle explained that legal requirements would be in place which would ensure that developers met their requirements and if not, either the developer would need to apply to review the conditions or there would be a case for enforcement.


The Panel queried whether the provision for affordable homes off-site (Principle 8), where it was not possible for affordable housing to be incorporated, could create exclusive developments.  Mr Buddle explained that the viability assessments as part of the refreshed SPD would provide additional support to those types of conversations with developers to insist that they deliver the assessed affordable housing.


The Panel noted that the word affordable meant different things to different people, and what was affordable at one time, may not be viewed as such now and the consultation needed to be clear with the public what Kirklees’ anticipation of affordable was.  Mr Buddle confirmed that the definition was provided through the planning framework.


In response to a question from the Panel, Mr Buddle explained that discussions with developers was ongoing, and officers received regular feedback from them as they worked through planning applications. That information had in turn shaped and informed the draft SPD and formed part of the evidence base.


Mr Buddle informed the Panel that they had considered adjoining local authorities’ SPDs to ensure when benchmarking that they did not set standards which either set Kirklees apart from other authorities or was not ambitious enough to achieve the correct level of affordable housing. 


In response to a question from the Panel, Mr Buddle explained that they were working with registered providers of affordable housing to ensure that such housing stayed affordable, often by means of the deeds of the property, and could not be sold on in a few years’ time without the affordability intact.


The Panel sought further clarification regarding the type of land, referred to in LP11, where there was a possibility of exemptions for affordable homes on restricted land. Mr Buddle informed the Panel that there would be a high bar in relation to this land and would mean a policy test which was set out within national guidance. It was noted that such a scheme must include arrangements for the homes to remain affordable in perpetuity.


RESOLVED – The Panel noted the draft SPD and planned consultation, and it was agreed that:


1)    Officers be thanked for their presentation and the work carried out to produce the draft SPD.

2)    The Panel be updated with the outcome of the consultation.





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