Agenda item

Planning Application - Application No: 2021/92086

Erection of 277 residential dwellings and associated infrastructure and access (amended scheme) on land at Bradley Villa Farm, Bradley Road, Bradley, Huddersfield.


Ward(s) affected: Ashbrow


Contact: Victor Grayson, Planning Services


Approval delegated to the Head of Planning and Development.


The Committee considered Application 2021/92086 in respect of the erection of 277 residential dwellings and associated infrastructure and access (amended scheme) on land at Bradley Villa Farm, Bradley Road, Bradley, Huddersfield.



(1) That, subject to the Secretary of State not calling-in the application, approval of the application and issue of the decision notice be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development in order to:


(a)  Complete the list of conditions, including those contained within the report (with the exception of the condition relating to the delivery of Bradley Bar roundabout works) and the Planning Update, and as set out below:

1.    Three years to commence development.

2.    Development to be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.

3.    Submission of a Construction (Environmental) Management Plan, including details of engagement with local residents.

4.    Submission of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (biodiversity).

5.    Provision of site entrance and visibility splays prior to works commencing.

6.    Submission of details of temporary drainage.

7.    Submission of details of temporary waste collection.

8.    Archaeological investigation.

9.    Delivery of Bradford Road junction works and details of allowance for possible future junction works.

10.Submission of details of spine road / Shepherds Thorn Lane junction.

11.Submission of details relating to internal adoptable roads.

12.Cycle parking provision to be provided within the site.

13.Provision of Electric Vehicle charging points (one charging point per dwelling with dedicated parking).

14.Restriction on occupation until odour source has ceased.

15.Submission of details of electricity connection serving HS11 site.

16.Provision of waste storage and collection.

17.Submission of details of any highway retaining structures.

18.Further site investigation related to coal mining legacy.

19.Submission of a revised drainage strategy.

20.Submission of flood routing details.

21.Site to be developed by separate systems of drainage for foul and surface water on and off site.

22.Submission of details of parking surface treatments.

23.Submission of an Intrusive Site Investigation Report (Phase II Report).

24.Submission of Remediation Strategy.

25.Implementation of Remediation Strategy.

26.Submission of Validation Report.

27.Submission of a noise report specifying measures to be taken to protect future occupants of the development from noise, and details of ventilation.

28.Submission of air quality assessment and details of mitigation measures.

29.Submission of details of crime prevention measures.

30.Submission of details of external materials (and site-wide review of materials).

31.Submission of details of electricity substation(s).

32.Submission of details of boundary treatments.

33.Submission of details of air source heat pumps (appearance, noise and maintenance).

34.Submission of details (including surface treatment, bollards and any boundary treatment) of foul water pumping station.

35.Submission of details of external lighting.

36.Submission of full landscaping scheme, including details of open space and playspace.

37.Submission of a Biodiversity Enhancement Management Plan.

38.Submission of a Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statement.

39.No removal of vegetation during bird nesting season.

40.Removal of permitted development rights and control of development within space adjacent to unit 143.

41.Control of accretions to elevations fronting highways, open space and green belt,


and an additional condition requiring the submission of details (including full details of levels and re-grading) of the drainage infrastructure works (and works providing access thereto) proposed within the green belt.


(b)Secure a Section 106 agreement to cover the following matters (with all contributions being index-linked):

1.    Affordable housing – 55 affordable dwellings (30 affordable/social rent, 14 First Homes and 11 other intermediate) to be provided in perpetuity.

2.    Open space – Off-site contribution of £558,138 to address shortfalls in specific open space typologies.

3.     On-site open space inspection fee – £250.

4.    Education and childcare – Contributions of: i) £91,956 towards early years and childcare provision; ii) £1,414,708 towards a new two form entry primary school; and iii) £473,391 towards secondary provision.

5.    Off-site highway works – Contributions of: i) £820,474 towards the Cooper Bridge highway improvement scheme; and ii) £287,950 towards future capacity improvements at the Bradley Bar roundabout.

6.    Sustainable transport – Measures to encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport, including: i) a £141,685.50 contribution towards sustainable travel measures; ii) implementation of a Travel Plan; iii) £15,000 towards Travel Plan monitoring; and iv) a £92,000 contribution towards new bus stops and bus stop improvements.

7.    Air quality mitigation – Damage cost contribution of £30,757.

8.    Biodiversity – Contribution of £230,690 towards off-site measures to achieve biodiversity net gain.

9.    Odour – Cessation of egg production at adjacent farm.

10. Masterplanning – No ransom scenario to be created at junction of spine road and Shepherds Thorn Lane.

11.  Sports and recreation reprovision – Contribution of £575,786 towards    reprovision of existing facilities within HS11 site.

12.  Management and maintenance – The establishment of a management company for the management and maintenance of any land not within private curtilages or adopted by other parties, of infrastructure (including surface water drainage until formally adopted by the statutory undertaker) and of street trees (if planted on land not adopted). Establishment of / participation in a drainage working group (with regular meetings) to oversee implementation of a HS11-wide drainage masterplan.


(2) In the circumstances where the Section 106 agreement has not been completed within three months of the date of the Committee’s resolution (or of the date the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities confirms that the application will not be called in) then the Head of Planning and Development shall consider whether permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the mitigation and benefits that would have been secured; if so, the Head of Planning and Development is authorised to determine the application and impose appropriate reasons for refusal under delegated powers.


A recorded vote was taken, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42(5) as follows:

For: Councillors Armer, Davies, Hall, Pattison, Pinnock and Sokhal (6 votes)

Against: Councillor Thompson (1 vote)

Supporting documents: