Agenda item

Planning Application - Application No. 2020/92307

Outline application, including the consideration of access, for erection of residential development (up to 75 units) - Penistone Road/, Rowley Lane, Fenay Bridge, Huddersfield.


Ward(s) affected: Almondbury


Contact: Nick Hirst, Planning Services


Application approved (delegated).


The Committee considered Application 2020/92307, an outline application, including the consideration of access, for the erection of residential development (up to 75 units) at Penistone Road/, Rowley Lane, Fenay Bridge, Huddersfield.


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 36(3), the Committee received a representation from Councillor McGuin.


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 37, the Committee received representations from Alison Munro and Gerald Newsome (local residents), Steve Noble (Green Alert in Lepton) and Chris Creighton (agent).




1) That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development to approve the application, issue the decision notice and complete the list of conditions including matters relating to;


1. Standard OL condition (submission of Reserved Matters)

2. Standard OL condition (implementation of Reserved Matters)

3. Standard OL condition (Reserved Matters submission time limit)

4. Standard OL condition (Reserved Matters implementation time limit)

5. Full technical details of the proposed access to be submitted, approved and implemented

6. Full technical details of the proposed footway along the southside of Rowley Lane to be submitted, approved and implemented

7. Full technical details of the proposed highway improvements to the Rowley Lane / Penistone Road junction to be submitted, approved and implemented

8. Full technical details of internal road to adoptable standard to be submitted, approved and implemented

9. Structural details provided for retaining walls adjacent to the highway

10. Archaeology investigation works to be undertaken and details of how the findings have informed the design, to be submitted with layout and/or landscape

11. Contaminated land investigation and appropriate remediation pre-commencement conditions

12. Full drainage scheme to be provided prior to commencement

13. Overland flow routing plan to be provided prior to commencement

14. Temporary surface water drainage plan to be provided prior to commencement

15. Noise mitigation measures to be submitted with layout and/or appearance

16. Details of secure cycling to be provided at layout

17. Construction Environmental Management Plan

18. Construction Environmental Management Plan: Ecology

19. Construction Management Plan

20. EV Charging Points to be provided

21. Arboricultural Survey, Impact and Methodology assessments to be submitted with layout and/or landscape

22. Ecological Impact Assessment, to include 10% net gain, to be submitted with layout and/or landscape

23. Repeat Ecological Surveys for the stand-alone tree and north boundary to be submitted with layout and/or landscape

24. Fully detailed Travel Plan to be provided

25. Public sewer easement

26. Tree protection


2) That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development to secure a S106 Agreement to cover (i) Affordable housing: 20% of dwellings to be affordable with a split of 55% social or affordable rent to 45% intermediate housing (inc. 25% First Homes) (ii) Open space: Contribution to off-site open space to be calculated at Reserved Matters stage based upon final number of units and the level of on-site provision at that time (iii) Education: additional places would be required at Rowley Lane Junior, Infant and Nursery School and King James’s School with the contribution to be calculated at Reserved Matters stage based upon final number of units and the projected student numbers at that time (iv) Bio-diversity: Contribution (amount to be confirmed) towards off-site measures to achieve bio-diversity net gain in the event that it cannot be delivered on site (v) Travel plan: Monitoring of £10,000 (£2,000 per year, for five years) (vi) Metro / Sustainable travel: £10,000 for Real Time Information display plus Residential Metro Cards (vii) Roundabout contribution: £285,000 with overage clause if the identifies cost is exceeded and (viii) Management and maintenance: POS, Drainage, and Ecological features.


3) That, pursuant to (2) above, in circumstances where the S106 Agreement has not been completed within three months of this decision, the Head of Planning and Development shall be authorised to consider whether permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the benefits that would have been secured, and would therefore be permitted to determine the Application and impose appropriate reasons for refusal under delegated powers.


A recorded vote was taken, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42 (5), as follows;

For: Councillors Anwar, Gregg, S Hall, Pattison, A Pinnock, Sokhal and Thompson (7 votes)

Against: (no votes)


Supporting documents: