The Panel will consider a verbal update on the performance highlights from the latest Children’s Services data report.
Contact: Jo-Anne Sanders, Service Director
Vicky Metherington, Service Director
Tom Brailsford, Service Director
The Panel received a verbal update on the performance data which was provided by the Service Directors in Children’s Services and the following areas were highlighted:
Recruitment and retention of staff in Children’s Services
Vicky Metheringham, Service Director for Child Protection and Family Support explained that the number of Looked after Children in Kirklees was stable and had been over the last 12 months, with other authorities experiencing an influx in the number of children that went into their care. The number of children leaving care in Kirklees was high, due to several reasons which included special guardianship orders and permanent arrangements being made with family members.
The Panel was informed that there was an increase in the number of vacant social worker posts across the service, when data was analysed, it showed that social workers were not leaving Kirklees but were moving into alternative posts within Kirklees Children’s Services, such as advanced practitioners. The vacancies meant that a Social Worker’s case load had risen. Although Kirklees had not used agency workers for a number of years, it was noted that agency workers may need to be employed on a short-term basis in accordance with the memorandum of understanding which had been agreed across the Yorkshire and Humber region. Diligent checks would be undertaken for any agency social worker employed with references being provided from previous employers and not the agency. It was noted that there would be a rise in available social workers coming into the authority through the step up to social work programme, the assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE) scheme and apprenticeships scheme.
Initial Child Protection Conferences
Tom Brailsford, Service Director (Resources, Improvement and Partnerships) explained that the percentage of initial child protection conferences which had to taken place within 15 days had decreased throughout December and January. The service had worked collaboratively with multi agencies to improve their systems to start to improve numbers of initial child protection conferences and improve percentages. Where children weren’t seen at an initial child protection conference within 15 days, the social worker teams, and other professionals involved closely monitored the children and young people through safety planning, to ensure they were safe until the initial child protection conference took place.
The Panel was informed that the service had taken part in practice learning days where professionals were involved in certain areas to look at issues and practice. A practice learning day had taken place to look at the impact of neglect on children and young people through child protection conferences and impact on domestic violence. It was noted that three deep dives had taken place on decision making, and step up and step down arrangements, and the service continued to be assured that these arrangements were working well.
Improvement in Practice Standards
Jo-Anne Sanders, Service Director, Learning & Early Support explained that the service had looked in detail at work that the family support service for the council and partners undertook. In Kirklees there were early support consultants which worked in the front door and in local areas giving support to schools and professionals. An average case load for a family support worker was 15 to 16 children per full time equivalent. Practice standard assessments had been completed, 62% were completed within the agreed timescales, which was a 14% increase over the last 12 months. It was for the local authority to set practice standards and Kirklees turned around the assessments within 20 days. This was a significant improvement to 2020 where the assessments took place within 45 days and compliance was 32%. The improvements were due to an investment in workforce and training.
RESOLVED: That the update be noted and that officers be thanked for their contributions.