Outline application for residential development for 7 dwellings, and associated infrastructure following the partial demolition of existing public house, including consideration of layout and access (within a Conservation Area) Rose and Crown Inn, 132, Knowl Road, Golcar, Huddersfield.
Contact officer: Ellie Worth, Planning Services
Ward(s) affected: Golcar
Delegate to the Head of Planning and Development to approve as detailed in
the considered report.
The Sub Committee gave consideration to Planning Application 2022/90469 Outline application for residential development for 7 dwellings, and associated infrastructure following the partial demolition of existing public house, including consideration of layout and access (within a Conservation Area) Rose and Crown Inn, 132, Knowl Road, Golcar, Huddersfield.
Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 37 the Sub Committee received representations from Emma Hanks and Carl Pogson (in support).
Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 36(3), the Committee received a representation from Councillor Andrew Marchington.
Delegate approval of the application and the issuing of the decision notice to the Head of Planning and Development in order to complete the list of conditions including those contained within the considered report and the planning update as set out below:
1. Approval of Reserved Matters details of Appearance, Landscaping and Scale to be sought before development commences. This includes the retention of part of the existing public house.
2. Plans and particulars relating to Reserved Matters details of Appearance, Landscaping and Scale to be submitted and approved in writing.
3. Application for Reserved Matters to be submitted within three years.
4. Development to be carried out in accordance with approved plans and specifications.
5. Submission of a Nocturnal Bat Activity Survey as part of the Reserved Matters application for appearance/no development to be commenced (including demolition) until the European Protected Species Mitigation Licence (EPSML) has been sought/approved.
6. Submission of a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment.
7. Submission of a Phase 2 Intrusive Site Investigation Report.
8. Submission of a Remediation Strategy.
9. Implementation of a Remediation Strategy.
10.Submission of a Validation Report.
11.Bin store materials and presentation points
12.Details of temporary waste collection arrangements to serve occupants of completed dwellings whilst the remaining site is under construction.
13.Construction Environmental Management Plan to include:
• point(s) of access for construction traffic;
• construction vehicle sizes and routes;
• times of construction vehicle movements;
• parking for construction workers;
• signage;
• wheel washing facilities within the site;
• street sweeping;
• dust suppression measures;
• measures to control noise and vibration from construction-related activities;
• any artificial lighting to be used during construction;
• hours of works
14.Full detailed drainage design detailing foul, surface water and land drainage
15.Full details of the proposed means of managing surface water during the construction period (temporary arrangements).
16.Full detailed design of site levels including flow routing from the site including consideration of overland flow paths from drainage and gulley bypass.
17.A scheme detailing the location and cross sectional information together with the proposed design and construction details for any new retaining walls and building retaining walls adjacent to the proposed/ existing highway.
18.Proposed design and construction details for all new surface water attenuation tanks/pipes/manholes located within the proposed highway footprint.
19. A scheme detailing the proposed internal road layout (to an adoptable standard)
20.Noise assessment report and mitigation scheme to be submitted with the reserved matters of appearance and scale so that this can consider the amenities of future occupiers and the continued operational flexibility of adjacent commercial uses.
21.Measures to promote carbon reduction and enhance resilience to climate change, including electric vehicle charging points
22.A scheme detailing the provision of a 2.0m wide footway along the front of the site, the re-siting of the existing bus shelter with associated signing and white lining prior to development commencing.
23.Submission of security measures for crime prevention.
24.Submission of a biodiversity enhancement plan
25.No demolition to take place until details of the section of the public house to be retained, which shall include that part designated as plots 1 and 2 on the approved site layout plan have been submitted and approved. Details to include method of support of that part of the building to be retained throughout the construction phase. No demolition to then take place until details of a legally binding contract to redevelop the site has been submitted to the local planning authority.
26.Details of the future management and maintenance of the green amenity spaces, as they are beyond the curtilage of dwellings
A Recorded Vote was taken in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42 (5) as follows:
For: Councillors: P Davies, D Firth, Greaves, Hawkins, Homewood, Jo Lawson, Lee-Richards, McGrath, McGuin and Ullah (10 votes)
Against: (0 votes)
Supporting documents: