Agenda item

Planning Application - Application No: 2021/94208

Outline application for re-development of former waste water treatment works, including demolition of existing structures to provide employment uses (Use Classes E(g)(ii); E(g)(iii); B2 and B8) Former North Bierley Waste Water Treatment Works, Cliff Hollins Lane, Oakenshaw.


Contact: Nick Hirst, Planning Services.


Ward(s) affected: Cleckheaton. 


Delegate to the Head of Planning and Development to approve as detailed in the considered report subject to securing a meaningful increase in contributions towards any potential traffic management schemes at Cliff Hollins Lane and Mill Carr Road.



The Committee gave consideration to Planning Application 2021/94208 Outline application for re-development of former waste water treatment works, including demolition of existing structures to provide employment uses (Use Classes E(g)(ii); E(g)(iii); B2 and B8) Former North Bierley Waste Water Treatment Works, Cliff Hollins Lane, Oakenshaw.


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 37 the Committee received a

representation Charlie Brown, Cllr Matt Edwards (objectors) and Matthew Sheppard (on behalf of the applicant).


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 36(3) the Committee received a representation from Councillor Kath Pinnock (ward member).




Delegate approval of the application and the issuing of the decision notice to the Head of Planning and Development in order to:


1. complete the list of conditions, including those contained within the considered report, as set out below:


1. Three years to commence development.

2. Development to be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.

3. Reserved Matters (layout, scale, appearance, landscape) to include updated Sustainability Statement, built upon indicative provisions detailed in outline Sustainability Statement.

4. Building not to exceed 18m in height.

5. Construction Environmental management Plan (CEMP).

6. Noise impact assessment to be provided at RM stage.

7. Control on plant equipment noise level.

8. Development to be done in accordance with dust mitigation measures

9. Limit on development floor area (max. 12,077m² GFA), with specific restriction on Parcel Distribution/’Last Mile Delivery’ use (max. 6,000m² GFA).

10. Design and the implementation of cycle / footway improvement on Cliff Hollins Lane and Mill Carr Hill Road.

11. No development to be occupied, prior to completion of the site access and off-site highway improvements Bradford Road (approach to M62 Junction 26 Chain Bar, providing an improved alignment to the junction, changes to signage, and a third lane for direct access to the M606).

12. Detailed Travel Plan to be submitted / implemented.

13. Delivery and Servicing Management Plan (DSMP) to be submitted / implemented.

14. Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) to be submitted / implemented.

15. Highway condition survey and remediation.

16. Development be undertaken in accordance with the submitted FRA (and supporting document), specifically that the finished floor levels be set above (92.0mAOD).

17. Detailed drainage strategy, to include management and maintenance arrangements, to be provided at Reserved Matters stage (layout).

18. Surface water flood routing strategy to be provided at Reserved Matters stage (layout).

19. Details of temporary surface water drainage arrangements, during construction (pre-commencement).

20. Oil separator to be installed within hard surfaced areas / car park (pre[1]commencement).

21. No development within easement of sewers within the site (unless diversion agreed).

22. Arrangement for ensuring permanent access to the Moorend Combined Sewer Overflow and the associated syphon sewer.

23. Foul water arrangement details to be provided.

24. Details of surface water outfall to be approved.

25. measures to protect the public sewerage infrastructure that is laid within the site to be provided.

26. The site shall be developed with separate systems of drainage for foul and surface water on and off site.

27. EVCP (1 per 10 spaces)

28. Contaminated Land (Phase 2, Remediation, Validation).

29. Arboricultural Reports to be provided at Reserved Matters (layout and landscape) stage.

30. Ecological Design Strategy, to secure 10% net gain based on provided baseline.

31. No site clearance within bird breeding season (unless survey undertaken).

32. Lighting Strategy for Ecology.

33. CEMP: Biodiversity.

34. Invasive species management plan.


2. Secure a section 106 agreement to cover the following matters:


1. Traffic monitoring and £30,000 (£15,000 x 2) towards potential traffic management schemes at Cliff Hollins Lane and Mill Carr Hill Road

2. £15,000 for Travel Plan monitoring (£3,000 x 5 years).


Subject to securing a meaningful increase in contributions towards any potential traffic management schemes at Cliff Hollins Lane and Mill Carr Road.


3. In the circumstances where the Section 106 agreement has not been completed within three months of the date of the Committee’s resolution then the Head of Planning and Development shall consider whether permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the mitigation and benefits that would have been secured and, if so, the Head of Planning and Development be authorised to determine the application and impose appropriate reasons for refusal under delegated powers.


A recorded vote was taken, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42(5), as follows:


For: Councillors Davies, E Firth, Pattison and Sokhal (4 votes).


Against: Councillors Armer, A Pinnock and Thompson (3 votes)

Supporting documents: