Agenda item

Planning Application - Application No: 2023/90531

Demolition of warehouse unit and proposed erection of production warehouse (use classes B2 and B8) for the purpose of the manufacture and storage of beds, mattresses and their components alongside ancillary retail and office space and associated access, parking and landscaping works. Highgate Beds Ltd, Bretton Street, Savile Town, Dewsbury,


Contact: Richard Gilbert, Planning Services.


Ward(s) affected: Dewsbury South.


Delegate to the Head of Planning and Development to approve as detailed in the considered report and the update to include two additional conditions reported to the Committee covering electric vehicle charging points and hours of operation and an additional condition to maximise the energy output from the installation of a solar array.



The Committee gave consideration to Planning Application 2023/90531 Demolition of warehouse unit and proposed erection of production warehouse (use classes B2 and B8) for the purpose of the manufacture and storage of beds, mattresses and their components alongside ancillary retail and office space and associated access, parking and landscaping works. Highgate Beds Ltd, Bretton Street, Savile Town, Dewsbury.




1) That approval of the application and issue of the decision notice be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development in order to:


1. Complete the list of conditions, including those contained within the report and planning update as set out below:


1.     Commencement of development within three years.

2.     Development in accordance with approved document schedule.

3.     Submission of and adherence to a Construction Environmental Management Plan.

4.     Submission and implementation of a Construction Environmental Management Plan: Biodiversity for the purpose of protecting species and their habitats on site.

5.     Submission and implementation of temporary drainage for the construction period.

6.     Visibility splays to be provided.

7.     Operation and delivery time restrictions.

8.     Submission of an Air Quality Screening Assessment.

9.     Submission and implementation of a Noise Assessment.

10. Installation of a fat and grease interceptor to food preparation areas.

11. Submission of and adherence to an External Lighting Design Strategy for Biodiversity and Residential Amenity.

12. Submission and installation of kitchen/canteen extraction system details.

13. Submission of a Phase II Contaminated Land Survey.

14. Submission of a Contaminated Land Remediation Strategy.

15. Implementation of a Contaminated Land Remediation Strategy.

16. Submission of a Contaminated Land Validation Report.

17. Submission and implementation of a detailed drainage design.

18. Submission and adherence to details relating to the protection, maintenance and access to the public water supply.

19. Details of surfacing and draining of parking areas.

20. Details of waste storage and collection to be provided.

21. 2m wide footway to be provided.

22. Submission, inspection and implementation of external materials specifications and samples.

23. Submission of evidence confirming installation of the solar array.

24. Submission and implementation of hard and soft landscaping details.

25. Retention and protection of trees.

26. Submission and implementation of a Biodiversity Enhancement Management Plan to ensure that on-site Biodiversity Net Gain.

27. Submission and implementation of security measures.

28. Cycle parking to be provided prior to occupation.

29. Signage and road markings (prohibiting vehicle entry from Bretton Street) prior to occupation.

30. Implementation of the Travel Plan.

31. Requirement to achieve no less than BREEAM “Very Good”.


An additional condition to maximise the energy output from the installed solar array.


2. Secure a Section 106 agreement to cover the following matters:


1) Biodiversity – A financial contribution of £119,600 towards off-site measures to achieve biodiversity net gain in accordance with the Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Not.

2) Skills – Provision of a package of training and educational support for existing and future employees based upon the parameters of a Framework Skills Plan (which intends to secure a training programme for at least 15% of the workforce on a yearly basis with up to 45% of the workforce on a training programme after three years of the development being brought into use).

3) Sustainable Transport – Measures to encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport, including a financial contribution towards a Sustainable Travel Fund as well as a further £10,000 towards Travel Plan monitoring.

4) Off-site Highway Works – An off-site financial contribution of £20,000 towards bus stop upgrades; and

5) Management – The establishment of a management company for the management and maintenance of infrastructure relating to surface water and foul drainage infrastructure until formally adopted by the statutory undertaker.



3. In the circumstances where the Section 106 agreement has not been completed within three months of the date of the Committee’s resolution then the Head of Planning and Development shall consider whether permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the mitigation and benefits that would have been secured and, if so, the Head of Planning and Development be authorised to determine the application and impose appropriate reasons for refusal under delegated powers.

A recorded vote was taken, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42(5), as follows:


For: Councillors: Armer, Crook, E Firth, A Pinnock, Sokhal, S Hall and Thompson (7 votes).


Against: (0 votes)






Supporting documents: