A presentation will be given in relation to Kirklees Active Leisure, the not-for-profit charity that manages ten leisure facilities throughout Kirklees, including a briefing in respect of the Leisure Centre Review, which is taking a strategic approach to the future leisure centre offer.
Contact: Adele Poppleton – Service Director, Culture and Visitor Economy
Adele Poppleton the Service Director, Culture and Visitor Economy, who was responsible for managing the relationship with Kirklees Active Leisure (KAL) on behalf of the Council, and the Chief Executive of KAL, Alasdair Brown, were in attendance and gave a presentation which highlighted the following:
· The background to the establishment of KAL, in 2002, to manage leisure facilities throughout Kirklees.
· The partnership agreement with the Council had been extended, for a period of twenty years, in 2012.
· KAL was an independent, not for profit, charitable trust, with a Board of twelve trustees including two Councillors.
· The KAL offer included provision of preventative health and wellbeing work.
· The customer base and the diversification undertaken in the last few years.
· Mapping of visits from inside and outside the district.
· The role of KAL as a local employer and the staff demographic.
· Ratio of funding to turnover.
· The current key challenges for the organisation and the measures taken, and being taken, to respond to the financial pressures.
· The Leisure Centre Review Programme, which was taking a strategic approach to the future offer and long-term operating model for the leisure centres.
· The purpose and membership of the Leisure Centre Review Programme Board and some of the mapping, data collection, benchmarking and analysis undertaken to date.
· The range of potential options for the model of operation.
· Next steps and timeline.
Councillor Paul Davies, the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Corporate Portfolio, was also present. He stressed the need to establish a sustainable service in the long-term and that significant detailed work was ongoing so that the necessary decisions could be made.
Questions and comments were invited from Committee Members, with the following issues being covered:
· All the possible operational models were under consideration in the first instance and a shortlist would be agreed after further study and evaluation.
· The application to the Swimming Pool Support Fund, administered by Sport England, would cover those pools that were at risk of closure and would entail a commitment from the Authority to ensure that those pools would remain open for three years. This potential funding was welcomed.
· In respect of the level of expertise and capacity in place to explore and develop alternative income streams, it was considered that KAL was pro-active in this area. There was a very strong partnership with the Council and work was also undertaken with other leisure operators to ensure awareness of what commercial opportunities might be available, a number of which had already been introduced.
· In terms of the suggestion that decision-making processes may be quicker in a model with less political/local authority involvement; the strengths and weaknesses of each of the options were being considered but it was acknowledged that the significant investment by the Kirklees must be monitored to ensure due diligence of this public money.
· Clarity on the financial implications of the different options would be available at a later stage.
· Consideration had and continued to be given to a cross-authority collaborative approach.
· The importance of the links with health and wellbeing and the scope for joint working on preventative programmes was emphasised.
· Public Health and Communities were included in the membership of the Review Programme Board to ensure that this focus was maintained.
· The offer in terms of certain seasonal activities had narrowed due to the challenges being faced. The provision of these services could be financially demanding which meant they would be more likely to be impacted in the current circumstances.
· The work undertaken on energy management to date had been excellent. Further investment in respect of energy efficiency and performance would be beneficial for the future but was highly unlikely to be viable at this time.
· It was noted that the issues for KAL were associated with the costs of staffing as well as energy costs.
Resolved -
(1) That the Service Director, Culture and Visitor Economy and the Chief Executive of KAL be thanked for attending the meeting and their comprehensive and informative presentations.
(2) That the views of the Committee be sought during the review consultation period and that the results of the analysis of the different models of operation be provided to members of the Committee when available.
(3) That the importance of the links with health and wellbeing be acknowledged.