Erection of two detached dwellings land at, Greenhill Bank Road, New Mill, Holmfirth.
Contact: William Simcock, Planning Services.
Ward(s) affected: Holme Valley South.
Delegate to the Head of Planning and Development to approve as detailed in
the considered report.
The Sub Committee gave consideration to Planning Application 2023/90346 Erection of two detached dwellings land at, Greenhill Bank Road, New Mill, Holmfirth.
Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 36(3), the Committee received a representation from Cllr Donald Firth (ward member).
Delegate approval of the application and the issuing of the decision notice to the Head of Planning and Development in order to complete the list of conditions, including those contained within the considered report as set out below:
1. Development to commence within 3 years.
2. Development to be in full accordance with plans and specifications, except where conditions indicate otherwise.
3. Materials to be submitted and inspected prior to the construction of the superstructure of the dwellings
4. Full details of the height, materials, and position of all boundary treatments to be erected, including the use of dry-stone walling as a boundary treatment.
5. Landscaping and ecological enhancement scheme, to include future maintenance responsibilities.
6. Schedule for the means of access to the site for construction traffic, parking and unloading. (Construction Management Plan).
7. A scheme detailing the provision of a 2.0m wide footway to the Greenhill Bank Road frontage, within the application site, with sight lines and visibility splays together with highway works. This is a pre-commencement condition as the requirement for the footway would impact on the wall retaining the highway.
8. Design and construction details of all highway retaining structures including any modifications to the existing (and a dilapidation survey thereof pre- and post-development). This is a pre-commencement condition (design and construction and dilapidation survey) as these works could have a material impact on land stability which needs to be thoroughly addressed before development commences.
9. Areas indicated to be used for parking on the approved drawing no. 1169-101C to be laid out with a hardened and drained surface and so retained.
10. Details of storage and access for collection of wastes (notwithstanding the
submitted details).
11. Further details of measures to limit carbon emissions/energy performance
12. Permitted development rights withdrawn for new extensions or outbuildings.
13. An electric vehicle recharging point for each of the approved dwellings.
14. Scheme for the containment, control and removal of invasive species, including Himalayan balsam and Cotoneaster to be submitted. This is a pre-commencement condition to ensure that appropriate measures to remove invasive species are undertaken before other development commences.
15. Measures to be undertaken if unexpected contamination is found during development.
16. Privacy – rear windows other than the bedroom window to be obscurely-glazed and no additional windows formed.
17. Surface water drainage scheme, to demonstrate sustainable urban drainage. This is a pre-commencement condition to ensure that a suitable scheme is approved at an appropriate stage of the construction process.
18. No garage doors to be installed on the car ports, unless these are designed to slide or otherwise open within the footprint of the development.
A recorded vote was taken, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42(5), as follows:
For: Councillors: Paul Davies, S Hall, Kaushik, Marchington, Safdar, Sokhal and Ullah (7 votes).
Against: Councillor Jo Lawson (1 vote).
Abstained: Councillor Bellamy.
Supporting documents: