Agenda item

Snow Wardens Volunteer Scheme

The Panel will consider an update report on the Snow Wardens Volunteer Scheme.


Nick Jenkin, Business Development Officer


The Panel considered a report on the Snow Wardens Volunteer Scheme presented by Nick Jenkin, Business Development Manager.  It was advised that:


  • The Snow Warden Scheme was a volunteer scheme which ran across Kirklees.
  • It enabled the Council to equip residents with grit, equipment and PPE which would allow them to clear snow from residential areas that gritters would not cover.
  • The Scheme was flexible, where residents were able to decide how much time they would like to dedicate to the scheme, allowing them to choose their own hours and locations of work.
  • The first year of the trial attracted 27 volunteers to the scheme across 9 wards. 
  • There was a cost of £39.77 per grit kit and there was 1 grit delivery for each warden, with no further requests due to a mild winter.
  • Kit delivery times were up to a week during the holiday period.
  • The scheme adopted a Cllr first application process through ward meetings.
  • Positive feedback had been received from wardens, with recommendations given on changes to equipment for implementation in year 2.
  • The Year 2 recommendations were to:
    • Begin direct communications to residents in addition to communicating via elected members, to attract more residents into the scheme.
    • Lift the volunteer limit to 100 across the district, to allow for the bulk order of stock and in turn reducing costs by a third.
    • Remover the shaker from the resident kit and replace with a scoop as identified through resident feedback.
    • Increase the initial grit volume from 10kg to 30kg.
    • Move to a collection first model to decrease delivery costs and allow more training with volunteers.


The Panel noted the presentation and welcomed the scheme. In the discussion to follow the Panel raised key points around communications, and it was agreed that a consistent approach be taken to communications and raising awareness of the scheme across the Council, including the provision of social media guidance, and the use of handouts to be provided to members to share with residents and help to promote the scheme within communities. It was also agreed that the idea of promoting the scheme in rural areas through community events such as agricultural shows be explored further.


In response to a question around how many volunteers used their kit and how this might have impacted on the outcomes of the trial, Nick Jenkin advised that 20 volunteers had confirmed that they had used their kits. In response to the Panel’s comment about the lack of financial detail in the report it was advised that there was not enough information at this stage of the trial to provide approximate financial implications.


In response to a question from the Panel around direct communication with residents and the suggestion of use of email, Nick Jenkin advised the key methods of communication were through ‘Gritter Twitter,’ the website and community networks. Nick further noted that email would not be used at this stage as the number of volunteers was currently capped at 100 during the trial period.   Graham West Service Director - Highways and Streetscene added that increasing the number of volunteers would be introduced upon completion of the trial in a gradual and managed way. Graham also highlighted the ambition to engage more community groups and Parish Councils in the scheme.  


Cllr Gwen Lowe, (Cabinet Portfolio Holder) also expressed support for the Snow Warden Scheme and noted agreement with the Panel’s comments around the promotion of the scheme at community events.


RESOLVED: The Panel noted the Snow Wardens Volunteer Schemeand recommended that a consistent approach be taken to communications and raising awareness of the scheme across the Council through the provision of (i) social media guidance, (ii) handouts for elected members to share with residents and (iii) the promotion of the scheme through community events.


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