The Panel will consider the finalised draft replacement Council Owned Tree and Woodland Management Policy.
Joe Robertson, Woodland Development Officer
The Panel considered the finalised draft replacement Council Owned Tree and Woodland Management Policy.
The item was introduced by Councillor Yusra Hussain, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Culture and Greener Kirklees who highlighted that the replacement policy brought forward ways to better use resources bringing benefits to the economy, net zero targets and public health.
The item was presented by Joe Robertson, Woodland Development Manager and it was explained that:
· A review of the Council’s existing tree and woodland management policy identified that the policy required updating.
· This review work resulted in a redevelopment of the existing documents to provide a new progressive policy which was:
o Better aligned with current Kirklees commitments and corporate goals
o Lined up with the new national duties placed on Local Authorities
o Reflective of changes in public attitude
o Delivering services using resources more efficiently
o Providing a safe environment for Kirklees’ communities
· Engagement had been undertaken, including a presentation to the former Economy and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Panel in January 2023, for comments on the early draft.
· The Comments provided by the Panel and the actions taken to address them had been detailed in the finalised draft,
· The finalised draft, including Policy Statements, an updated Risk Framework, Management Standards and Service Standards.
· The tree and woodland management policy linked into other key policies such as planning, climate change, and corporate cleaner and greener objectives.
· The new policy was required to link into national policies such as the environment act introduced in 2021 and the Health and Safety Act was a key consideration of the work.
The Panel noted the presentation highlighting that the draft policy was a progressive and positive document. The Panel also expressed thanks to officers for taking the previous recommendations from scrutiny on board.
In the discussion to follow, the Panel asked a number of questions around the management of public expectations, guidance around the planning process in relation to protecting trees, tree replacement standards and woodland management and maintenance commitments.
In response to the Panel’s question around the management of public expectations, Joe Robertson advised that a copy of the full policy document would be available online, but work was also being undertaken with the Councils Communications team to develop a web base with user friendly information, which would also help streamline access to service delivery through a proforma.
In response to the Panel’s question around planning permission Joe Robertson advised that the Local Plan set out a robust policy around the removal of trees which was linked to the value of the landscape and the value of the tree. If the tree was important, the Local Plan and planning process would not support its removal unless there were very clear reasons why, and the draft replacement Council Owned Tree and Woodland Management Policy aimed to reflect this.
In response to the Panel’s question around the limited access inspection regime Joe Robertson advised that most all woodlands were publicly accessible, and that limited access would only be applied in a very small number of special situations, i.e.- an enclosed building yard.
In response to the Panel’s question about whether there was standard for how much a mature tree is worth when replanted Joe Robertson advised that a lot of work being undertaken in this area and discussions were being held with the White Rose Forrest to quantify canopy areas and suggested that an update be given to the Panel as this idea progressed. In Kirklees, consideration of the site was given on an individual basis. The Panel noted the responses to the questions expressing that this information was reassuring. The Panel further asked that the emergency contact details be added to the councils web page going forwards and that a link to the documents be added to the proforma.
To follow, the Panel asked a question around privately owned trees obstructing the highways, the service standard for contact with the landowner, and enforcement of non-compliance. In response, Will Acornley, Head of Operations- Highways and Streetscene advised that the Green Space Action Team would respond within the specific time frames set out in policy that the local authority had to adhere to in terms of reasonableness. Graham West Service Director - Highways and Streetscene, advised that the reasonable period was 14 days and Will Acornley noted that it was important to be transparent about what the timeframes were to manage public expectations and it was agreed that the recommendation be taken forward.
The Panel noted the response to questions and further asked about the aims and objectives of increasing canopy cover highlighting the need to balance green space as an important aspect of public mental health as an additional consideration.
The Chair of Scrutiny asked if the service standards were achievable going forwards and wanted to understand more about what internal parties and experts evidence involved.
In response to the question around achieving service standards, Joe Robertson advised that the timeframes had been worked out on a realistic basis, and these were set as the targets. In response to the question around internal parties, it was advised that the team was contractor only and held no budgets meaning that the team always worked for other services. The additional proforma was for those internal parties to contact the team and request a quote to standardise the current ad-hoc process.
RESOLVED: The Panel noted the draft Council Tree and Woodland Management Policy and recommended that:
1. An update on the work being undertaken with the White Rose Forest in respect of quantifying canopy cover be provided to the Panel.
2. The emergency contact details be added to the councils web page and that a link to the documents referenced be added to the proforma.
3. There should be more transparency around the timeframes in relation to the enforcement of dangerous trees/highways obstructions to manage public expectations.
4. The benefits of green space as an important aspect of public health/mental health be taken forward as an additional consideration.
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