Agenda item

Head Of Service Update

The Board will consider a verbal update from a Head of Service giving an overview of work and progress in respect of the role of the corporate parent.



Joel Hanna, Head of Service, Corporate Parenting and Children’s Residential Services



The Board considered a verbal update presented by Joel Hanna, Head of Service, Corporate Parenting and Children’s Residential Services. During the update Joel Hanna gave a presentation which set out progress in respect of 3 key areas:


·         The Review of the Corporate Parenting Strategy, Governance and Delivery, which in relation to the Corporate Parenting Board would include refreshed Terms of Reference, the expansion of its membership and to agree the current priorities and strategy.  

·         The Service Planning for the Care Leavers Service, there had been a 2-day review of the service requested by the council and provided by Mark Riddell MBE to inform the services ‘Continuous Service Improvement Plan’.

·         The Service planning for the Children Looked After Service including the establishing better links between the CICC/CLF and the Head of Service for Corporate Parenting the revised service plan to establish the continuous service improvement plan following a full-service engagement event and work around establishing more stability for children in relation to the number of social worker changes.


In the discussion to follow, questions and comments were invited from Board Members, with the following issues being covered:

  • The Board welcomed news of the launch of a new parents and babies care leavers group and very early plans to expand the offer to nurseries noting the importance of a provision which safeguarded and supported parents whilst providing networking opportunities. 
  • The Board noted the proposals for a ‘dashboard’ infographic, and it was advised that the purpose of this was to provide key headline information to corporate parents and would be a useful tool for all elected members.
  • The Board were advised that a ‘draft’ dashboard would be provided to the Board for comment prior to deciding where it would be shared.
  • The Board highlighted the importance of ensuring elected members engaged with the dashboard information, highlighting how communication via email may be missed, and it was suggested that this could be sent to Group Business Managers to share during group meetings as well as asking members directly at those meetings how best they would like to receive the information going forwards. 
  • The Board welcomed the engagement with the CiCC/CLF to develop and roll out Corporate Parenting training and expressed interest in the development of this work.
  • In respect of the Corporate Parent training the Board suggested this be delivered in 2 parts focusing on: (i) covering the experience of children who are looked after taking a trauma informed approach, and (ii) practical actions.  
  • The Board welcomed work undertaken to develop a brand and that the Care leavers Christmas dinner had been provided.


RESOLVED: The Board noted the Head of Service Update, and it was agreed that:

1)    A ‘draft’ version of the Dashboard infographic be shared with the Board.

2)    The Dashboard be shared with Group Business Managers to circulate at group meetings.

3)    Engagement be held with elected members at Group Business Meetings in respect of communicating the dashboard.

4)    Consideration be given to delivering corporate parenting training in 2 parts, focusing on: (i) covering the experience of children who are looked after and, (ii) practical actions.