Agenda item

The Voice of Children and Young People and Care Experience Young People

The Board will consider a verbal update in respect of the representation of the voice of children and young people and care experienced young people.



Joel Hanna, Head of Service, Corporate Parenting and Children’s Residential Services



The Board considered a verbal update in respect of the Voice of Children and Young People and Care Experience Young People presented byJoel Hanna, Head of Service for Children Looked After and Care Leavers. Joel Hanna gave a presentation which outlined the pledge for Corporate Parents and set out the plans for achieving greater representation for the inclusion of the voice of children and young people at the Board. This work included:


·         Weekly attendance at the Children in Care Council (CCiC) and Care Leavers Forum (CLF) alternately had been established as an opportunity for the Head of Service to listen to the experience, voice and views of young people with the intention of taking a ‘you said we did’ approach to issues raised.

  • Working with the CCiC and the CLF there were plans to develop and co-deliver Corporate Parenting training for Members and Officers (using the LGA resource pack) as well as working together to inform the current review and revision of the Corporate Parenting Strategy.
  • Planning work had been undertaken to identify future opportunities to increase the voice of children and young people in the work of the Corporate Parenting Board (i.e.- takeover board events, attendance/representation at Board meetings and review and feedback from Webcast meetings etc.) 
  • Work had also begun to increase membership of both groups.
  • Discussions with the CiCC and the CLF had highlighted:
    • Examples of inequality in finance polices (i.e.-allowances and financial support) and it had been agreed to add the review of these to the work plan for both the Children in Care and Care Leavers services.
    • Issues with delays in decision making due to ‘tiers of approval’ had led to a review of approval levels for holiday risk assessments and permissions.
    • The use and the power of language, especially the implications and associations of using words such as ‘lack’ when referring to children in care and in response discussions had been held around how to change culture around language.


In the discussion to follow, questions and comments were invited from Board Members, with the following issues being covered:

  • The Board agreed it was important to reflect on the power of language going forwards, ensuring that words like ‘lack’ and acronyms were avoided, and that age-appropriate language was used to ensure young people understand the decisions been made around them.
  • The Board welcomed work undertaken to improve the timeliness of decisions around holiday permissions and risk assessments. 
  • The Board highlighted the importance of promoting and integrating the Corporate Parenting Pledge and suggested that consideration be given to printing the pledge on Council on ID cards.


RESOLVED: The Board noted the update ‘The Voice of Children and Young People and Care Experience Young People’ and it was agreed that:

1)    Reflection be given to the type and power of the language used when referring to and communicating with children in care and care leavers.

2)    Consideration be given to the promotion of the Corporate Parenting Pledge including the possibility of this being printed on officer and member ID cards.