To determine the appointment of representatives to other Committees, Outside Bodies etc for the 2024/2025 Municipal Year, except for those appointments to bodies which is exercisable only by the Leader or is delegated by the Council.
(Report attached).
Contact: Leigh Webb, Acting Head of Governance
1) That Council notes that GroupBusiness Managers will putforwardnominationsto the ServiceDirector– Legal, GovernanceandCommissioning to fill places or makeany adjustmentsto nominees, as appropriate, following Council.
2) That thosebodies withexecutivefunctions be referredtotheLeaderoftheCouncil to putforwardnominations.
3) That, in relationto the YorkshirePurchasingOrganisation Management Committee, Council agrees towaivepoliticalbalancerules whichapplyinaccordancewithSection17 of theLocal Governmentand HousingAct 1989 (this requires approval withno Member votingagainst).
4) That, Council delegate authority to the Leader, in consultation with Group Business Managers, to nominate one nominee and a substitute to the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Management Committee and to nominate a Director to the associated limited company: YPO Procurement Holdings Ltd.
5) That authority bedelegatedto the GroupBusiness Managers todeterminewhichofthetwoappointedMembers on Kirklees Active Leisure will beauthorised,for the purposes of Membermeetings (distinctfrom Directormeetings),to exercisea vote, pursuant toSection323of theCompaniesAct 2006.
6) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Monitoring) to make any changes to appointments in consultation with Group Business Managers, based upon revised proportions.
Supporting documents: