To note the Long-Term Plan update including:
1. Community engagement
2. Property viability & Town Centre Living
3. Working groups
4. Evidence Baseline
5. Option development
6. Option refinement
Contact: David Wildman, Strategic Partnership Lead – Town Centres, Development
RESOLVED: That the Long-Term Plan update be noted.
The Board received a presentation on the Long-Term Plan. David Wildman, Strategic Partnership Lead explained the work that had already taken place and work that was due to be undertaken for the Long-Term Plan.
Mr Wildman explained that a detailed programme had been compiled which set out a large number of tasks to be undertaken in the next 10 weeks around (i) Governance, (ii) Community Engagement, (iii) Baseline, (iv) Working Groups, (v) Economic Viability, (vi) Options (develop & refine), (vii) Long term plan, (viii) Approval & Submission, (ix) Interfaces.
Community Engagement was critical to ensure that the long-term plan reflected local priorities and involved current and future generations. The Board noted that Counter Context had been appointed following a procurement and evaluation process involving a panel of cross service council colleagues and the Deputy Chair of the Board. Opportunities had been explored to raise the profile of the Long-Term Plan with Hoardings and Scaffolding at Field House and to align the plan with the college campaign.
Jenny Tully, Senior Account Manager, Counter Context explained that they had been commissioned to support the engagement which concentrated on putting the community’s voices at heart of the project. Counter Context were a specialist communication and engagement agency with 30 years’ experience delivering community engagement, and consultations and had supported the Kirklees Cultural Heart project in Huddersfield. The Board noted that Counter Context priorities were to be inclusive and accessible, flexible, adaptable, creative and participant driven.
Ms Tully explained the core offer from Counter Context which included a planning and preparation phase followed by a consultation period. The Board noted the additional option on offer, which included creating a website, promoting the consultation via social media and local engagement, however, this would incur additional costs.
Mr Wildman updated the Board on work that was taking place around economic value, which was around delivering new homes and supporting the growth and regeneration of the town through a mix of housing, commercial and community assets. A tendering exercise was underway to help understand potential land uses and financial viability within the town centre to identify priorities for investment.
Mr Wildman advised that four working groups were to be created, with Board members leading the groups to help shape ideas, feed back to the Board and support the development of the Long-Term Plan. The workshops set up were:
A long list of 84 potential interventions was shared with the Board to consider what areas they considered to be a priority for the Long-Term Plan.
During discussion of this item, the Board raised concerns around the short timeframe of the consultation taking place and the necessary recruitment, training and briefings that were required for local engagement, along with requesting that Hoardings be put up around the town centre. It was noted that digital presence was important, with a suggestion that a website landing page could be set up quickly. Suggestions of where local engagement could take place in addition to recommendations were:
The Chair suggested that he and the Deputy Chair discuss the additional options available and meet with Counter Context to discuss the additional costs involved. Details would then be circulated to Board Members.
Following a conversation around deadline dates, the Chair advised that an additional Board meeting would be required prior to the next formal meeting, and that governance would contact Board members for availability.
RESOLVED: That Long-Term Plan Update be noted.
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