Agenda item

Planning Application - Application No: 2023/90668

Planning Application 2023/90668 Demolition of existing buildings. Erection and operation of a single building comprising a Sui Generis land use limited to the purpose of storage, assembly, sale and distribution of custom- built computers, laptops and their components as well as any associated development (those being a replacement wind turbine, utility provision, drainage, access, hard and soft landscaping) within the red-line boundary alongside business operations pursuant to the effective administration of the Sui Generis use. Grange Moor Coachworks, Barnsley Road, Grange Moor, Huddersfield.


Ward affected: Kirkburton


Contact: Farzana Tabasum, Planning Services


Approval delegated.


The Committee considered Planning Application 2023/90668 for the demolition of existing buildings, erection and operation of a single building comprising a Sui Generis land use limited to the purpose of storage, assembly, sale and distribution of custom-built computers, laptops and their components as well as any associated development (those being a replacement wind turbine, utility provision, drainage, access, hard and soft landscaping), within the red-line boundary, alongside business operations pursuant to the effective administration of the Sui Generis use at Grange Moor Coachworks, Barnsley Road, Grange Moor, Huddersfield.


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 37, the Committee received a representation from Hamish Gledhill (on behalf of the applicant).



(1)      That approval of the application and the issuing of the decision notice be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development in order to:


(a)  complete the list of conditions including those contained within the report, as set out below:


1.  Three years to commence development.

2. Development to be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and specifications

3. Pre-commencement condition (excluding demolition and site intrusive works) to remove all scrap vehicles, plant, machinery and external storage off site.

4.  Samples of external facing materials to be approved.

5.  Pre-commencement condition for sectional details (east to west) indicting how retaining wall and fence to be erected along western part of site without damage to existing hedge outside application site.

6.  Full details of boundary treatment to be submitted and approved, to be erected prior to occupation of building.

7.  Pre-commencement Construction Environmental Management Plan (Biodiversity) condition.

8.  Pre-commencement condition for re calculation of BNG prior to development commencing.

9.  Landscaping/soft planting to be planted in first growing season following completion of new building or as otherwise stated by other conditions.

10.Five-year maintenance plan for landscape scheme.

11.Tree protection around existing trees in accordance with submitted Tree Constraints plan.

12.Wind turbine conditions including its removal if not used for 6 months.

13.Noise Management Plan.

14.Pre-commencement Construction Environmental Management Plan (noise, dust, and artificial lighting/strategy).

15.Full lighting strategy details

16.Working Hours 06:00 to 22:00 Monday to Saturday. Deliveries/dispatches restricted to between 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Saturday with no deliveries on Sundays/bank holidays.

17.Post demolition and site clearance intrusive site investigations with supplemental Phase 2.

18.Remediation strategy measures.

19.Validation report.

20.Restricting noise from fixed plant and equipment.

21.Details of acoustic barrier to be submitted and approved in accordance with recommendation in Noise Impact Assessment. to be erected prior to occupation of building and thereafter retained.

22.Pre-commencement drainage condition detailed design scheme detailing foul, surface water and land drainage.

23.Pre-commencement drainage condition, overland flow routing.

24.Pre-commencement drainage condition construction phase surface water flood risk and pollution prevention plan.

25.Pre-commencement drainage condition scheme demonstrating surface water from vehicle parking and hard standing areas.

26.Archaeology – pre-commencement condition (and two other conditions) to ensure the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological recording to take place within the area indicated.

27.Yorkshire Water condition – no piped discharge of surface water from the application site shall take place until works to provide a satisfactory outfall, other than the existing local public sewerage, for surface water.

28.Yorkshire Water condition - No building or other obstruction including landscape features shall be located over or within 3 metres either side of the centre line of the public sewer.

29.Yorkshire Water condition – No development shall take place until details of the proposed means of disposal of foul water drainage for the whole site.

30.Electric vehicle charging points.

31.Installation of solar panels prior to occupation of building.

32.Operational Management Plan (highways).

33.Site access to be complete in accordance with drawing 151716-001 Rev C – Proposed Works (Site Accesses).

34.Off-site highway works (speed limit and other associated works).

35.Travel Plan to be submitted prior to occupation of building.

36.Construction traffic management plan (highways).

37.Highway condition surveys (pre- and post-construction) and remediation.

38.Car park/servicing external areas to be laid out in accordance with approved plan and made operational prior to occupation of building.


(b)  secure a Section 106 agreement to cover the following matters:

(i)    Bus stop contribution of £34,000, to secure real-time displays at two bus stops.

(ii)   (Stop ID 20680 and 20681) located on Wakefield Road at a cost of £10,500 per bus stop, and to provide a replacement bus shelter at bus stop ID 20681.

(iii)Travel Plan monitoring fee - £15,000 (£3,000 x 5yrs).

(iv)Employment and Skills Agreement.


(2)      That, in the circumstances where the Section 106 agreement has not been completed within 3 months of the date of the Committee’s resolution then the Head of Planning and Development shall consider whether permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the benefits that would have been secured; and if so, the Head of Planning and Development be authorised to determine the application and impose appropriate reasons for refusal under delegated powers.


A recorded vote was taken, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42(5), as set out below:


For: Councillors Anwar, Pinnock, Sokhal and Ullah (4 votes)

Against: Councillor Thompson (1 vote)

Supporting documents: