Agenda item

Scrutiny of Social Connectivity in Kirklees - Final Report and Action Plan

The Committee will receive a report in respect of the scrutiny work undertaken in relation to social connectivity in Kirklees, and the response from the Cabinet Member for Education and Communities to the Committee’s recommendations.


Contact: Sheila Dykes – Principal Governance Officer


Sheila Dykes, Principal Governance Officer, introduced the Committee’s ‘Final Report - Scrutiny of Social Connectivity in Kirklees’ and the accompanying action plan, which had been completed by the Cabinet Member for Education and Communities, in response to  the Committee’s recommendations.


Councillor Amanda Pinnock, the Cabinet Member for Education and Communities, was in attendance and welcomed the comprehensive report and its recommendations. She noted the risk factors that could impact on social connectivity and stressed the importance of community hubs, the need to ensure spaces were available for people to come together and that provision was in place, from the Council and its partners, to support residents. She accepted the recommendations and undertook to ensure that this work continued. She thanked all those involved in the compilation and production of the report.


Councillor Smaje, the former Chair of the Committee, was also present for the item. She explained that the aim of the Committee’s recommendations was to assist in reducing loneliness and isolation in Kirklees and highlighted the following points:

·       The benefits of re-framing the discussion from loneliness to social connectivity.

·       Wider roll-out of the conversations guidance.

·       Addressing this issue needed to be a continuing priority for the Council and its partners, in light of the impact on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of residents.

·       The benefits, including financial, of early intervention and prevention.

·       The role of Ward Councillors.

·       The necessity of the provision of information about the available support at an early stage if an individual was dealing with a change in their circumstances, such as diagnosis of a health condition.

·       The role of schools and colleges and the dissemination of information by trusted sources.

·       The importance of befriending services.

·       The need for awareness and understanding of the impacts, across the whole of the Council, and for it to be considered as part of decision-making.

·       It would be beneficial if the Committee received progress reports in respect of the action on the recommendations, in due course.

She thanked all those who had contributed to this work and the Cabinet Member for her response.


Questions and comments were invited from Committee Members, with the following issues being covered:

·       With reference to the role of Ward Councillors and ward budgets it was suggested that it would be useful to have some guidance and perhaps specific funding dedicated to this issue. It was acknowledged that Councillors had a wider community leadership role in bringing people together and developing community vibrancy.

·       It was very important that younger people who may be at risk of or experiencing a lack of social connectivity were helped as early as possible as that would assist them in developing those skills for later life. It was suggested that children and young people should be involved in the production of guidance or sources of information such as a newsletter.


Councillor Pinnock agreed that early intervention and prevention were key in respect of addressing these issues and that wider awareness was a good starting point. Ward Councillors were well positioned to do this, as well as supporting local groups, signposting people to relevant support and identifying gaps in provision. It was acknowledged that the issue of specific funding for this issue should be considered and noted that there was also a need to work collaboratively with partners, such as the NHS and schools, to ensure duplication was avoided and people could access the best provision.



(1) That all those involved in compiling and contributing to the report be thanked and the positive response to the Committee recommendations, as set out in the action plan, be welcomed

(2) That it be recommended that further consideration be given to the issue of specific budget provision to enhance the social connectivity work already taking place and encourage collaborative working.


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