Agenda item

Food Safety Service Delivery Plan 2024

The Panel will consider the Food Safety Service Delivery Plan 2024.




Leanne Perry, Environmental Health Group Leader, Public Protection,

Environmental Health


The Panel considered an update on the Food Safety Service Delivery Plan 24-25 presented by Leanne Perry, Public Protection Group Leader. The Panel received a presentation which outlined:


·         The requirements of a Food Safety Service Plan.

·         The number and types of food businesses in Kirklees and the demographics of Kirklees.

·         The work undertaken and the enforcement actions taken in the previous year reporting against the priorities identified in the Food Safety Plan 2023 in compliance with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) Codes of Practice.

·         The Priorities of the Food Safety Plan 2024 which were:

o   To continue to deliver official food controls in accordance with the FSA Codes of Practice and any other instruction received during the year.

o   To develop and expand the Steps to Success (STS).

o   To review the communications strategy, including a focus on use of social media.

o   To undertake place-based working in areas where there was a correlation between poor hygiene standards and areas of high deprivation.

o   To carry out consultancy work to educate business owners and support improvement.

o   To increase commercial sampling

·         The STS workshops had 4 key objectives which were:

o   To improve understanding of Food Business Operators legal responsibilities.

o   To improve knowledge regarding food safety.

o   To improve understanding of what officers were looking for during an inspection and how ratings were calculated.

o   To improve understanding of the importance of a documented food safety management system and to provide guidance to businesses in completing these.

·         After attending the workshop and receiving a follow up inspection, 95% of the food premises that attended an STS workshop were rated at FHR 3 or above (compliant with Food Hygiene Regulations).

·         There was also a reduction in officers time in completing re-visits and enforcement action, as well as a positive reduction in non- complaint food premises.

·         The FSA Audit September 2023 had a positive outcome and made 3 recommendations which had now been actioned and the audit had been formally closed.


In the discussion to follow the Panel raised the following questions and comments:


·         In relation to the increase in 3 types of bacteria listed in appendix 3, the Panel wanted to understand the reasons for the increase, and it was advised that the current increase shown in the data was largely due to travel abroad and the lifting of travel restrictions following the Covid-19 pandemic. The Panel were further informed that discussions were being held at a West Yorkshire level and further education was required around the issue going forwards.

·         In response to a question from the Panel in relation to the Council’s budget constraints it was advised that the team were fully staffed, and a training programme was in place to ensure that all staff could be trained in-house to become fully authorised in acknowledging national challenges around the recruitment of trained enforcement officers.

·         In response to a question from the Panel in relation to the move from voluntary closures to prohibitions it was advised that this was a result of national challenges during the pandemic which had now returned to a normal position.

·         In response to a question from the Panel in relation to the Councils flexibility in responding to reported allergen issues found within national chains, it was advised that the team received Food Safety Agency updates and there was a requirement of the Council to investigate and follow up on once received. 

·         In response to a question from the Panel in relation to in the use of mystery shoppers, it was advised that Kirklees did not take this approach and instead carried out surprise inspections as well as buying samples from businesses to identify any issues with products being sold.

·         The Panel noted consistent high performance from the team and thanked Leanne Perry and the team for their hard work.



RESOLVED: The Panel noted the report Food Safety Service Delivery Plan 24-25 and recommended that Leanne Perry and the team be thanked for their positive work.



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