To receive updates on the following projects:
· Sustainable Transport Modes
· Arcade
· Market
· Daisy Hill
· Town Park – Public Realm
· Building Grant Revival Scheme
· Kirklees Build
Contact: Michelle Illingworth, Project Officer, Town Investment Plan.
Andy Raleigh, Economic Resilience Manager.
That the Project Update be noted.
The Chair referred to the nine project schemes that had been part of the Town Deal, and invited Board Members for comment on each project.
Ms Rose, Kirklees College, invited Board Members to visit the construction skills village to see their progress. The dates of the invitation were 16th December or 15th January.
During questions and answers, it was stated that:
· The outcome of the planning application for the Market was due in the next few weeks.
· Signage detailing plans for the Market would be considered, with options given at the next meeting by the Communications Team.
· A mop-up session was planned for Members who were unavailable to attend the Board member market workshop. Dates would be emailed to all Board Members.
Andy Raleigh, Kirklees Town Centre Programme Manager, advised the Board that the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) on the Corporation Street junction would now be in place before Christmas and joint working between Kirklees Build and the Arcade was planned in December, with students experiencing the live building project.
The Board noted that optioneering on 27, Market Place, the disused building next to the Arcade, had been completed. The next step was to understand whether the funding could be used for the building revival and to discuss options with Richard Thorpe and his team. This would then be shared with the Board to consider options to acquire the building to improve the offer of the Arcade and mitigate the risk of having a deteriorating building next to it. The Board agreed that the work on this should continue.
That the Project Update be noted.
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