Planning Application 2024/90357 - Removal of Conditions 10, 12, 13, 14, 20, 33, 38, 39 and 40 and variation of Conditions 1, 19, 24, 29, 34, 36 and 37 of previous permission, 2019/90949, for variation of Condition 18 (crushing and screening operations) on previous permission, 2013/90793, for mineral extraction at land adjacent to Thewlis Lane, Crosland Hill, Huddersfield.
Ward affected: Crosland Moor and Netherton
Contact: Farzana Tabasum, Planning Services
Approval delegated.
The Committee considered Planning Application 2024/90357 in relation to the removal of Conditions 10, 12, 13, 14, 20, 33, 38, 39 and 40 and variation of Conditions 1, 19, 24, 29, 34, 36 and 37 of previous permission, 2019/90949, for variation of Condition 18 (crushing and screening operations) on previous permission, 2013/90793, for mineral extraction at land adjacent to Thewlis Lane, Crosland Hill, Huddersfield.
Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 37, the Committee received a representation from Ben Parkes (on behalf of the applicant).
(1) That approval of the application and the issuing of the decision notice be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development in order to:
(a) Allow the publicity period to expire.
(b) complete the list of conditions including those contained within the report, as set out below:
1. Development to be completed by 31/12/2027.
2. A copy of approved documents/plans to be retained on site at all times for inspection.
3. Development to be carried out in accordance with approved plans/documents.
4. Prior cessation measures to deal with restoration and aftercare in the event that mineral extraction is abandoned/ceases.
5. Sole means of vehicular access to and egress site via Thewlis Lane.
6. No commercial vehicles shall enter public highway from permitted site unless wheels and chassis cleaned.
7. The heavy plant crossing point on Thewlis Lane approved under Discharge of Conditions Application 2014/90920 shall be retained.
8. The total tonnage of material exported from and imported to the application site shall not exceed 2500 tonnes per day in total.
9. The temporary bridleway as shown on drawings TL1181-D7 rev C and 10093/600 rev A, shall be retained.
10.Previous condition deleted.
11.The development shall be carried out in accordance with details approved under Discharge of Conditions application 2014/90920 with regard to geotechnical stability.
12.The temporary screen mounds shall be respread back into the site as per submitted drawing TL1181-D7 rev C.
13.Previous condition deleted.
14.Previous condition deleted.
15.No mineral extraction shall take place below the topographical levels previous approved under planning permissions regulating operations.
16.No mineral extraction within the site shall take place below the topographical levels indicated on plan 10093/464 ‘Cross Sections Through Thewlis Lane Quarry’.
17.All mobile crushing and screening operations shall be carried out in accordance with previously approved details.
18.All mobile screening and crushing operations shall only use mineral extracted from Thewlis Lane, used for backfilling of Thewlis Lane and not export material from the site.
19.The quarry void shall be backfilled in accordance with submitted details and drawing TL1181-D7 rev C.
20.Previous condition deleted.
21.From the date of this permission the operator shall maintain records of monthly production and mineral extraction.
22.There shall be no discharge of foul or contaminated water from the site into either groundwater or any surface waters.
23.Any facilities for the storage of oils, fuels, or chemicals shall be sited on impervious bases and surrounded by impervious bund walls.
24.The development shall only be carried out in accordance with submitted Flood Risk Assessment.
25.Previous condition deleted.
26.The stripping, movement and replacement of topsoil and subsoil shall only be carried out under sufficiently dry and friable conditions.
27.Previous condition deleted.
28.Previous condition deleted.
29.After the completion of mineral extraction, the site shall be progressively restored to grassland in accordance with the submitted details.
30.The final surface of backfilled quarry overburden shall be graded to provide an even surface 500mm lower than the agreed final contours.
31.The spreading of subsoil and topsoil shall only be carried out when the material is in a dry and friable condition.
32.Soils to be respread using a backacter. All stones and any other object larger than 75mm shall be removed from the surface of the soil.
33.Topsoil shall be spread over the surface of the areas to be restored to grassland following completion of works in conditions 30 and 32.
34.Previous condition deleted.
35.If satisfactory grass growth is not obtained as a result of the initial sowing, such part shall be cultivated and reseeded, after the correction of any nutrient deficiencies in the soil.
36.Previous condition deleted.
37.Previous aftercare conditions (37-40) combined into one, as follows:
An outline aftercare scheme detailing the steps which may be necessary over the aftercare period of five years, to ensure a grass sward is established for the whole of the area edged red east of Thewlis Lane, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority at least three months prior to the completion of the site restoration. The approved aftercare scheme shall provide details of:
a) The person responsible for implementing the aftercare scheme;
b) A plan showing the area subject to aftercare, with demarcation of any areas having different aftercare steps or management proposals; and
c) The steps to be carried out in each area during the aftercare period and their timing within the overall programme to ensure grassland is maintained.
Following compliance with above, a detailed annual aftercare programme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority before 31 August in each year of aftercare of the site. The programme submitted shall amplify the aftercare scheme for works to be carried out in the following 12 months, including any modifications to the original proposals
38.Previous aftercare conditions (37-40).
39.Previous aftercare conditions (37-40).
40.Previous aftercare conditions (37-40).
41.Hours for operation of the quarry in accordance with previous approved details.
42.Development to be carried out in accordance with previously approved Noise Impact Assessment/restrictions.
43.Exceptionally noisy operations shall only be carried out within previously approved details.
44.All vehicles, plant and machinery operated within the site shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications at all times.
45.All vehicles on site shall operate using broad band reversing alarms only.
46.There shall be no blasting.
47.The development to be carried out in accordance with the noise monitoring scheme approved under Discharge of Conditions application 2014/90396.
48.The clean supply of water currently provided for the suppression of dust shall be maintained.
49.The development shall be carried out in accordance with previously approved dust suppression scheme.
50.The development shall be carried out in accordance with previously approved dust monitoring scheme.
51.There shall be no storage of waste skips or containers or other plant and equipment not directly associated with the operation of the quarry.
52.Removal of Permitted Development rights – No fixed plant or machinery, buildings, structures and erections, or private ways which would project above natural ground levels.
53.Reporting of any artefact or feature of archaeological or geological interest encountered on the site
(c) secure a Deed of Variation to the original Section 106 agreement, dated 9-6-2006 associated with permission 2003/91691.
(3) That, in the circumstances where the Section 106 Deed of Variation has not been completed within 3 months of the date of the Committee’s resolution then the Head of Planning and Development shall consider whether permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the benefits that would have been secured; and if so, the Head of Planning and Development be authorised to determine the application and impose appropriate reasons for refusal under delegated powers.
A recorded vote was taken, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42(5), as set out below:
For: Councillors Armer, Homewood, Lawson, Pinnock and Sokhal (5 votes)
Against: No votes
Supporting documents: