Agenda item

Our Cultural Heart, part of the Huddersfield Blueprint - Phase 2 Gateway 3


To consider the approval of progress to the design and pre-construction works for Phase 2 from Gateway 3 to Gateway 4.


Contact: David Glover, Cultural Heart


(Exempt information is detailed in an appendix to the attached report. Consideration must be given to whether the public and press should be excluded from the meeting prior to the determination of the matter to enable the exempt information to be discussed by passing the following resolution: -


To resolve that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business, on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.)




1)    That in regard to the Combined Museum & Gallery, Phase 2 RIBA 3, authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Regeneration to approve the Royal Institute of British Architects stage 3 design (RIBA 3) for the museum and gallery.


2)    That in regard to the Combined Museum & Gallery, Phase 2 Gateway 4 Budget, the museum and gallery construction budget be noted and funding to progress from this Gateway 3 to Phase 2 Gateway 4 be approved.


3)    That in regard to the Construction Partner, Phase 2, Pre Construction Services Agreement (PCSA) authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Regeneration, the Director of Legal Governance & Commissioning, the Service Director Finance and the Head of Procurement to make the decision to enter into the Pre-PCSA, and subsequently award the PCSA and instruct any surveys and enabling works that may be necessary prior to the contract sum being agreed subject to compliance with Contract Procedure Rules.


4)    That in regard to SDP, Architect and Engineer Services, Phase 2 Gateway 3 to Gateway 4, subject to agreement on fees, compliance with the procurement process and Contract Procedure Rules, approval be given to continue the services being provided by the Client delivery team (SDP, architect and the engineer) to progress from this Gateway 3 to Phase 2 to Gateway 4.


5)    That in regard to Construction Capital Development Council Resources

approval be given to the allocation of necessary council staff and resources to support the construction programme and it be noted that, in the absence of sufficient internal resources, additional external resources will be sourced from the existing appointments and/or from existing/future framework agreements, subject to compliance with procurement process and the Contract Procedure Rules.


6)    That in regard to the Construction Budget, Phase 1 Gateway 5, Phase 2 Gateway 4 & Master Plan Allowances, approval be given to the further drawdown of £5.663m (Phase 2, £5.413m & Master Plan, £250k) thereby increasing the committed funding for the programme from £73.329m to £78.992m.


7)    That in regard to the reallocation of budget to the Combined Museum and Gallery Service Pre-opening Capital Costs, approval be given, subject to no other sources of funding being available, the reallocation of funding from the Our Cultural Heart construction budget future phases to fund the museum and gallery pre-opening capital costs including the fit out of the building.


8)    That in regard to the reallocation of budget to operational services,


approval be given, subject to no other sources of funding being available, the reallocation of funding from the Our Cultural Heart construction budget future phases to fund the West Yorkshire Archive Service (£371k) and the Events team (£50k) pre-opening capital costs.


9)    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Regeneration, the Service Director for Culture and Visitor Economy and the Service Director Finance to explore ways of replenishing the construction budget following any reallocation of budget without exposing the council to any additional capital borrowing commitments.


10) That in regard to the Phase 5 Venue and Car Park Review, authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Service Director Finance and the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Regeneration, and subject to agreeing the terms of reference to utilise part of the master plan feasibility budget to carry out the review of Phase 5.


11) That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place to work within approved budgets to deliver the design and construction of the programme to Phase 1 Gateway 5, Phase 2 Gateway 4 and develop the master plan including appointing third parties which for Phase 1 includes the food hall operator in compliance with the Contract Procedure Rules and the Financial Procedure Rules.


12) That in regard to Operational Services Additional Budgets Phase 1 & Phase 2 it be agreed that the Executive Directors of Place, Adults and Health and Corporate Resources, in consultation with the Service Director – Finance,  work to identify the relevant service pre and post opening costs of the various phases of the Our Cultural Heart programme. The Service Director – Finance shall ensure that estimates are added to the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan and be refined as updated information becomes available.


Supporting documents: