A report noting the feedback in response to the statutory consultation on the proposal about Primary Pupil Places in the Huddersfield South West area and seeking approval for officers to move to the next stage of the process and publish the statutory proposals and notices.
Officer: Jo-Anne Sanders: 01484 221000
(1) That, in regards to the amalgamation of Thornton Lodge Nursery School, Dryclough CE (VC) infant School and Crosland Moor Junior School;
(a) The feedback in response to the statutory consultation, as set out
within the report, be noted.
(b) It be noted that the consultation process has not raised any significant
issues that have not previously been considered.
(c) It be noted that the Leeds Diocesan Board of Education are content to act as the Proposer of the new school within the Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales, and that the Officers of the Leeds Diocesan Board of Education will work closely with the Local Authority, Governors and staff of the three schools, to successfully implement the proposal.
(d) Approval be given for Officers to move to the next stage of the process and publish the statutory proposals and notices to bring together Thornton Lodge Nursery School, Dryclough CE (VC) Infant School and Crosland Moor Junior School as a single all-through voluntary controlled primary school for children aged 2 to 11 by (i) discontinuing Thornton Lodge Nursery School, Dryclough CE (VC) Infant School and Crosland Moor Junior School and (ii) establishing a new replacement Church of England voluntary controlled primary school proposed by the Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales.
(e) Officers be requested to carry out preliminary and preparatory work with Officers of the Leeds Diocesan Board of Education, parents, governing bodies and staff, to enable successful implementation (if the proposals are ultimately agreed) by engaging relevant parties as widely as possible in planning the changes and in building confidence in future cohesive and inclusive provision in the community.
(f) Approval be given for Officers to carry out further engagement with stakeholders as part of the period of representation and invite further comments for consideration prior to final decision making.
(g) The next steps and timescales for the subsequent stage of the statutory process be noted, and that a further report be submitted to Cabinet for decision at a future date.
(2) That, in regards to the establishment of a new primary academy on the site of Moor End Academy;
(a) The feedback in response to the statutory consultation, as set out
within the report, be noted.
(b) It be noted that the consultation process has not raised any significant
issues that have not previously been considered.
(c) Approval be given for Officers to progress to the next stage of the process and engage with the Department for Education and publish an invitation to bid document, in line with statutory requirements, and proactively seek proposals from academy sponsors.
(d) Officers be requested to carry out preliminary and preparatory work with parents, governing bodies and staff to enable successful implementation (if the proposals are ultimately agreed) by engaging relevant parties as widely as possible in planning the changes and in building confidence in the future cohesive and inclusive provision in the community.
(e) Officers be requested to continue to carry out preliminary and preparatory work in relation to the interim building solution that would be required for September 2016 and the permanent solution that would be required overall to deliver the proposals, if approved.
Cabinet received a report which set out the outcomes of the statutory consultation on proposals regarding primary pupil places within the Huddersfield South West area by (i) bringing together Thornton Lodge Nursery School, Dryclough CE (VC) Infant School and Crosland Moor Junior School, to create one all through voluntary controlled primary school for children aged 2 to 11 years, (ii) creating a new primary academy school to be located on the site of Moor End Academy and (iii) retaining Mount Pleasant Primary School.
The report set out details of the existing provision, consultation methodology, responses to the consultation and the financial implications of the proposals. Cabinet noted that, in terms of next steps, the proposed implementation date was from May 2016.
Appendix A to the report set out details of the consultees, and the consultation document was set out at Appendix B. The responses to the consultation were fully detailed at Appendix C.
(1) That, in regards to the amalgamation of Thornton Lodge Nursery School, Dryclough CE (VC) Infant School and Crosland Moor Junior School;
(a) The feedback in response to the statutory consultation, as set out
within the report, be noted.
(b) It be noted that the consultation process has not raised any significant
issues that have not previously been considered.
(c) It be noted that the Leeds Diocesan Board of Education are content to act as the Proposer of the new school within the Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales, and that the Officers of the Leeds Diocesan Board of Education will work closely with the Local Authority, Governors and staff of the three schools, to successfully implement the proposal.
(d) Approval be given for Officers to move to the next stage of the process and publish the statutory proposals and notices to bring together Thornton Lodge Nursery School, Dryclough CE (VC) Infant School and Crosland Moor Junior School as a single all-through voluntary controlled primary school for children aged 2 to 11 by (i) discontinuing Thornton Lodge Nursery School, Dryclough CE (VC) Infant School and Crosland Moor Junior School and (ii) establishing a new replacement Church of England voluntary controlled primary school proposed by the Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales.
(e) Officers be requested to carry out preliminary and preparatory work with Officers of the Leeds Diocesan Board of Education, parents, governing bodies and staff, to enable successful implementation (if the proposals are ultimately agreed) by engaging relevant parties as widely as possible in planning the changes and in building confidence in future cohesive and inclusive provision in the community.
(f) Approval be given for Officers to carry out further engagement with stakeholders as part of the period of representation and invite further comments for consideration prior to final decision making.
(g) The next steps and timescales for the subsequent stage of the statutory process be noted, and that a further report be submitted to Cabinet for decision at a future date.
(2) That, in regards to the establishment of a new primary academy on the site of Moor End Academy;
(a) The feedback in response to the statutory consultation, as set out
within the report, be noted.
(b) It be noted that the consultation process has not raised any significant
issues that have not previously been considered.
(c) Approval be given for Officers to progress to the next stage of the process and engage with the Department for Education and publish an invitation to bid document, in line with statutory requirements, and proactively seek proposals from academy sponsors.
(d) Officers be requested to carry out preliminary and preparatory work with parents, governing bodies and staff to enable successful implementation (if the proposals are ultimately agreed) by engaging relevant parties as widely as possible in planning the changes and in building confidence in the future cohesive and inclusive provision in the community.
(e) Officers be requested to continue to carry out preliminary and preparatory work in relation to the interim building solution that would be required for September 2016 and the permanent solution that would be required overall to deliver the proposals, if approved.
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