Committee details

Safer Stronger Communities Executive (Community Safety Partnership)

Purpose of committee

Acting as the Community Safety Partnership, the Safer Stronger Communities Executive brings together the responsible authorities of Police, Police Crime Commissioner and Police and Crime Panels, Local Authority, Fire and Rescue Authority, Health and Probation to work in collaboration with other statutory / voluntary services and local people to reduce crime and make people feel safer by dealing with issues such as anti-social behaviour, drug and alcohol misuse and re-offending. The purpose and function of the Safer Stronger Communities Partnership is to:


·        deliver the statutory requirements of the Community Safety Partnership

·        develop the Partnership Plan and Strategic Intelligence Assessment

·        deliver the outcomes of the Partnership Plan across the communities of Kirklees

·        have overview and responsibility for domestic homicide reviews



Contact information

Support officer: Shirley Hepworth. Email:

Postal address:
4th Floor South
Civic Centre 1