1) That the proposal to continue to provide the short breaks service offered by the Young People’s Activity Team for disabled children and young people up to the age of 18 years, with the greatest level of need, in the medium to long term, be approved.
2) That the service offer of the Young People’s Activity Team to those over the age of 18 years be ceased and that it be ensured that each adult accessing this service receives an individual review to assess their eligibility and needs.
3) That it be ensured that Carers of persons in (1) and (2) above are offered an assessment of the person’s needs.
4) That a review of the current Young People’s Activity Team staffing structure and rota arrangements be undertaken.
5) That a review of job descriptions, roles and responsibilities for the delivery arrangements of short breaks and respite which are based in Council buildings be undertaken.
6) That a robust policy framework be developed, including the development of a charging policy, and the implementation of the Children’s Resource Allocation System.
7) That the market be shaped further so that it can sufficiently meet future demand, including working with the Childcare Sufficiency Team, in order to ensure that there is sufficient childcare available for all disabled children and young people up to the age of 18 years.
8) That the direct payment process continue to be reviewed with a view to developing a clearer process for individuals and families.