1) That approval be given to (i) establishing, within the Strategic Regeneration Capital Budget, a rolling ‘WYTF Land Acquisition Fund’ with an initial allocation of £0.85m (ii) commencing negotiations with land owners for land required to deliver the A629 Halifax Road (Phase 5) project (iii) developing the WYTF A629 Halifax Road (Phase 5) project to an outline business case stage with a target date of submission in October 2017 (iv) seeking funding approval via the WYCA Investment Committee to continue scheme development in order to achieve full business case status which would permit delivery of the scheme, when accepted, and (v) the submission of a report to Cabinet seeking consideration of full scheme approval and implementation, with authorisation in a similar timeframe to (iv), to enable the WYTF A629 Halifax Road Phase 5 to progress to construction.
2) That the exercise of the authority for the Council to acquire parcels of land for highway purposes, where the acquisition price is between £250,000 and £500,000 be delegated to the Service Director (Economy, Regeneration and Culture) to be exercised by the Service Director, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Portfolio Holder.