1) That the amendments to the detail of the approved 2017/2018 Corporate Landlord Asset Investment Capital Plan be approved.
2) That approval be given to the programme of work for 2018/2019 as per the overall capital allocation as approved at Budget Council on 14 February 2018.
3) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Commercial, Regulatory and Operational Services) to manage the implementation of the identified works within the respective agreed total programme budget, and that delegated powers shall include authority to (i) add new urgent projects under £250k to the programme without prior Cabinet approval providing that the total cost of the programme remains within the approved capital allocation set by the Council and (ii) slip or delete projects during the course of the financial year to enable the effective management of the programme concerned.
4) That all virements, additions and deletions be reported retrospectively to Cabinet in accordance with Financial Procedure Rule 3.14.